This is how you split.

crazy..... and very entertaining. If I was in a cage with someone like that whizzing by, I'd be shaking my head.

Edit: Ok, after seeing 2nd vid and news video, I change my opinion. He's not crazy. Just FCUKING crazy. He looks like he's on crack when driving. Guy's name is Kleber Atalla.
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Actually my mistake... he was driving a car when he hit the guy, who was jaywalking in a really bad spot. They are trying to make a scape goat out of him for changing lane when he was not supposed to... but the video clearly shows that it was the pedestrian's fault.

This is what happens when two people who think they own the road meet. They should both be charged with his death (not that it matters to the dead guy).
The traffic seems way better behaved and lighter than the 401 I drive/ride daily. If you rode like this in Toronto I think you'd last maybe 10 minutes before someone intentionally rammed you.
On the plus side, when lane splitting stopped cars at 120+ km/h, I doubt anyone could intentionally ram you. They wouldn't even know you were coming until you were long gone. It would be the random lane change to try to gain 2 car lengths that would get you.
Lovey lovey lovey... ah vell! :)

im looking for the thread about the guy who had hes bike stolen while trying to help that guy. can you tell me where to find it? I thought you commented on it.
How not to lane split. Skip to like 45 seconds if you have a small attention span.
The vids show me that here we have cagers that just hate guys on bikes, not once did I see anyone on purpose try to cut the guy off, everyone held their lane, heck I didn't even hear car horns going off....

Thats because its illegal here so you have the token few vigilantes that think by blocking you or honking they are protecting the rest of society.
How not to lane split. Skip to like 45 seconds if you have a small attention span.

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