This is golden....

Who gives a rats behind about the bus driver and lights?
You can clearly see the driver has no hesitation about mounting the sidewalk. It seems normal to them.
She needs 3 days in jail for that flagrant disregard.
Wonder why she has an you can see why?
Its just a way to measure the size of the bust relative to other busts.

Or even better.. They can use absolute size of each bust for each drug category instead of congratulating themselves on how great they are. One would expect more facts and less flash from the law enforcement community.

The stop arm was out and the lights were flashing. The lights on the stop arm are strobes, you can see the flash reflection in the windshield.

It did seem like the bus was stopped for a while. Maybe there are a lot of kids that get on/off at that stop. Also, if the delay is that big a deal for this lady she could likely turn down another street?

This whole thing sounds fishy to me.. I know there was one school bus whose driver would park the bus and turn on his 4-ways while out on a break. I started taking a different way home just to avoid that idiot. Last thing I'd need would be a school bus ticket over something like that. With that being said, the stop arm wasn't extended and the other lights weren't flashing, just the 4-ways, but still. Too much potential for disaster.
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