Well, I found that resorting to reading help files and Google-ing things can be the fastest way to solve an issue.
I also got some good help from some fine nerds here: MrExcel
StackExchange is also a good resource for all things computer tech-related.
You don't even have to bookmark the site, if you Google your question, more than likely the answer will come up in a StackExchange link.
And most of the times, the question you are asking is something someone else has asked verbatim, and it's as easy as cutting and paste the answer (if it's code-based) into your program.
The downside is that you may not actually retain that knowledge, you just end up going back to StackExchange every time you need that snippet of code again...
"Do you know how to program this thingamabob?"
"Yes I've done it many times before, but I'll need access to the Interweb if I want to be able to do it again."