Sorry for the cheesy form letter, but as you can imagine, I’ve received more email from motorcyclists than I could ever answer. However, I wanted to let you know that I have written a follow-up column available by clicking here, or cutting and pasting into your browser to get to the publication:,0,2043379.story
(I didn’t pick the accompanying photo, by the way)
I think there will be parts you like. I know that an estimated 60 to 75 percent of motorcycle accidents are the fault of cars and trucks – I’m just not sure that detracts from my point that motorcycles are not well designed to protect you in a collision or accident. Shouldn’t the manufacturers care more about your safety? And since motorcycles are, after all, in the minority, I don’t know that rightfully asking car and truck drivers to take additional training will work.
I do think you all need to get out in front of the safety question, own it, and bring the fatality and crash numbers down ASAP before some dedicated group of widows or grieving moms decide that motorcycles must go. And remember – in a democracy, it’s the community – through its governing bodies – that decides who gets to be on the roads.
Thanks for the emails, kind, not-so-kind and off the chart, and PLEASE be careful out there.
- Hugh Curran, Auto Erotica