This Cop can ride

That wasn't any "Cop" competition or test --- That was footage from an old episode of Chips - and that was Ponch riding

- dont forget Ponch can ride ...
very nice.
Are courses like these mandatory for motorcycle officers?

Like that yes but it requires regular tests to prove they can still do it and not to this degree. My uncle was a motorcycle cop. He cant do the clover leaf but has talked about his instructor showing how its done. Not all cops require this degree of skill just the ones who want to look into competitions.

they have to pass a test to get a bike....a skill test

And to keep the specially license they get to ride those bikes.

I thought you were supposed to lean into the turn, not away from it. Either way, he's got a million times more control at those speeds than I do.

Little bit different with this type of riding on these types of bikes. I find I get tighter corners if I push the bike into a corner and stay upright. If I lean in the back tire starts to slide out. I don't know the physics of it just what I have noticed while riding.

Im Impressed at how many fing cones they had there :-0

Aren't you glad your not the one setting them down and picking them up...

I can do that too. On my Ninja 250....

Thats easy... get your hands on a big cruiser and try it then.
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