This can't end well.

when is the next tune day at the dragstrip? Trailer it there..

That's it! I was wondering where I could play with a relatively heavy but super fast sport bike without losing my license.
The dragstrip would be awesome on a Busa, as long as I didn't wreck it.

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油井緋色;2560135 said:
Please keep us updated.

x2. I can't wait to hear how this works out.

If I lived closer I'd be the guinea pig.
only thing I can think of....he wants your identification info for identity theft?

when is the next tune day at the dragstrip? Trailer it there..

That's it! I was wondering where I could play with a relatively heavy but super fast sport bike without losing my license.
The dragstrip would be awesome on a Busa, as long as I didn't wreck it.

Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk

Wanna split the rental cost 3 ways? It'll make for one hell of day at the strip!! I've got a truck and bike
Guelph Aerodrome doesn't have a fence but does have pretty marker lights at night. Don't do that though- that's bad mmmk, post video!
Guelph Aerodrome doesn't have a fence but does have pretty marker lights at night. Don't do that though- that's bad mmmk, post video!
Hahaha!! I ripped down the runway years ago on one of my old bikes. Rode down the little road to where the restaurant is, checked for planes and went for it! Got to the end, went over the bit of grass, back onto the road and then took off across hwy 7!
Bumpy as hell though.... if they ever repave it I could easily be persuaded to do it!
Wanna split the rental cost 3 ways? It'll make for one hell of day at the strip!! I've got a truck and bike

Im in. but to make it interesting why don't we have the 2 fastest pay nothing while the loser pays the whole heap of $80? I can afford that. lol

edit- let us know @rob star
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I have it reserved for every thursday from May till Sept, gonna slay at LNL ;)

Dude hasnt responded to me lol
I thought about it but I'm usually too full of bacon after I leave that cafe

*response to Katatonic
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Not sure about where you'd take that thing for a rip...but a fun little route that seems promising (not exactly legal) would be taking the Mississauga Transitway bus traffic (except busses!) but a little windy and the exit ends at the 427/Renforth area...starts/ends at Square One...could be fun....I'm sure someone's taken a rip on it before.
Yes, his insurer, IF they discovered he was renting out the bike would cancel his policy in a heartbeat for material misrepresentation, (pretty sure he didn't tell them it was going to be a daily rental)...lmao then good luck getting reasonable insurance again.

No a "liability waiver" would NOT protect the owner of the bike from being sued, if the bike hits someone. His insurer as stated above would bail in a heartbeat, leaving him on the hook for any/all judgments...

He finally responded to me. Said its not a joke, but now its a royal endfield. I asked what happened to the hayabusa, and he said its his brothers and he doesnt agree to renting it out. LOL
He finally responded to me. Said its not a joke, but now its a royal endfield. I asked what happened to the hayabusa, and he said its his brothers and he doesnt agree to renting it out. LOL

Calling it right now, indian guy.

Only indian guys ride POS royal enfields.(especially in brampton)

Let me know how it goes
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I think I found the video add and riding instructions!
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