They want to Change our Anthem

Re: Right on, eniac!!!

Instead of just reading the headlines maybe you should do some research into this.

The original was changed in 1913 to "all they sons command" so it's more of a restoration than a change. And English versions already incorporate changes such as "from far and wide" and "god keep our land".

dont you worry about the anthem, .. Worry about if you have enough ingredients to make us cookies.
Re: Right on, eniac!!!

we can always ask allah to keep our land safe and free. before someone chimes in please research the meaning
Allah? my butcher at the meat shop? is he in the military now? nice guy
Re: Right on, eniac!!!

dont you worry about the anthem, .. Worry about if you have enough ingredients to make us cookies.

Lol, troll
Re: Right on, eniac!!!

dont you worry about the anthem, .. Worry about if you have enough ingredients to make us cookies.

It's brownies tonight. Cookies are Thursdays!
Re: Right on, eniac!!!

If they want to change it back, let's change it back, but it's "in all Thou dost command", not some new drivel.

Or you can always quickly add "and daughters" to the abhorrent verse.

+1 on restoring the original words if they really ***** and whine about changing it at all. F*** it let's change the tune while we're at it. I'd like to hear Oh Canada to the Scatman.
We live in a Christian society. If you don't like it then go back home.
I hate religious talk. But being as we live in a predominant Christian society, and some immigrate here and we cater to they beliefs and such. I think that's good
RCMP. One of the most prestigious uniforms in history, and some religions have been able to change the uniform. I have NO issues with anyone, any religion. Have the right in this democratic society to believe and express what you like. But just shows that sometimes it goes too far. My god, go their and try and change their anthem (if they have one) and I'm
Sure you would be stoned to death.

As for the woman's rights, trying to change it. This anthem is not discriminating you. So beat it.
And trust me I love woman lol.
We live in a Christian society. If you don't like it then go back home.
I hate religious talk. But being as we live in a predominant Christian society, and some immigrate here and we cater to they beliefs and such. I think that's good
RCMP. One of the most prestigious uniforms in history, and some religions have been able to change the uniform. I have NO issues with anyone, any religion. Have the right in this democratic society to believe and express what you like. But just shows that sometimes it goes too far. My god, go their and try and change their anthem (if they have one) and I'm
Sure you would be stoned to death.

As for the woman's rights, trying to change it. This anthem is not discriminating you. So beat it.
And trust me I love woman lol.

What are you talking about?

The whole article is about a group of women campaigning to change 'all our son's command' to something different. There was absolutely nothing in their change attempt directed at the god part.

Now, there were a few people in this thread posting to get rid of the god part. As an atheist, I am all for taking god out of any public thing (courts, government, schools, anthems, pledges, etc) -- and where I am I going to go back home to? I was born in Canada.

At the end of the day if they are going to change the anthem they should just go back to the original wording which didn't include any religious themes nor did it include sons or daughters. I don't care either way though... nationalism (and their anthems) is almost as idiotic as being religious. I haven't said or read the anthem in at least 25 years, and I don't intend to anytime soon so even if they change it I wouldn't notice.
What are you talking about?

The whole article is about a group of women campaigning to change 'all our son's command' to something different. There was absolutely nothing in their change attempt directed at the god part.

Now, there were a few people in this thread posting to get rid of the god part. As an atheist, I am all for taking god out of any public thing (courts, government, schools, anthems, pledges, etc) -- and where I am I going to go back home to? I was born in Canada.

At the end of the day if they are going to change the anthem they should just go back to the original wording which didn't include any religious themes nor did it include sons or daughters. I don't care either way though... nationalism (and their anthems) is almost as idiotic as being religious. I haven't said or read the anthem in at least 25 years, and I don't intend to anytime soon so even if they change it I wouldn't notice.

What am I talking about?
Then your second paragraph goes on to quote what I was talking about. That would be post number 4. So therefore you new what I was getting at.

Needless to say I do agree I don't care too much about it being changed.
Being as the US is much more patriotic, could you imagine if this was brought up their.
I will step in and fix this, and its free.
'all our son's command
all our citizen's command
all out people's command

move on

I do agree we should remove the gender part.
Also to remove the God part because TAX payers are not equally represented.
What about Atheists and Buddhist types that do not reference "god".
Maybe replace with Creator therefore it serves all.

It is called a Christmas and it has Christmas trees.
I say Merry Christmas. I am waiting for someone to correct me :)
That is an example of disrespecting and being insensitive to another groups traditions.
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