There's no day of the week called 'someday'!

My brother-in-law and his ex-wife gave their 2 adult kids a pile of money for this purpose a couple years ago. Effectively an early payout against the estate. I don't know all the details, but I believe it requires a lawyer to create the documentation.
My BIL and his ex are pretty well off and I don't know your situation, but perhaps something like this could help.
No lawyer or paperwork is required. It's like any other present. They could be equal amounts or not. Now, if they wanted to give out unequal amounts of money to be equalized when the estate settled that requires good documentation.

As for early inheritance, most old people I know have much of their net worth tied up in their house. Not a lot of free cash available to distribute even if they wanted to. Sure they could HELOC money but that will incur perpetual interest. Fixed income doesn't leave a lot of room to clear off loans.
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My kids are worried about my new relationship because i am better off.
I suspect they are a little concerned about thier inheritance. Not a good feeling.
As the son of a widower who dated;

My dad never said too much about his dating life after my mom passed. I got to meet the new gf a few times but didn’t ask many questions and he never really brought it up. The relationship eventually fizzled out and shortly before he passed he told me she had been pressuring him to remarry (he had no interest at 70) and that he had paid for almost everything during their time together. Despite the fact she was a Director at a huge government facility and owned 3 houses in the city, while he was a pensioner.

Food for thought.
Knew someone who was forced to take on additional responsibilities. Sibling has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. Everything was worked out in the parent's will. Mother died early. Father remarried and things changed. Father then died a few years later and things were no longer worked out.
Knew someone who was forced to take on additional responsibilities. Sibling has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. Everything was worked out in the parent's will. Mother died early. Father remarried and things changed. Father then died a few years later and things were no longer worked out.
That one is an interesting one. Could/should lawyer preparing original will have triggered a trust upon the death of the first spouse? In hindsight, maybe yes. Money from the trust could benefit the sibling while second spouse was around but somewhat protects it from being reassigned entirely.

Friends have a kid that will require lifetime assistance. They setup and funded a trust. Currently they are doing all care but if they disappeared tomorrow, things are in place to ensure the kid is fine. It's good they took care of kid financially because emotionally they haven't done the best. Kid gets shipped off to camp for the summer to give them a break. Pics show parents overjoyed and kid having the worst day of the year. The sibling will do fine in life but isn't a great choice to be a caretaker.
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This thread has generated a little more discussion and self-reflection than I had anticipated. Me included. Good to get to know some of you better too. Thanks for keeping the discussion going....
Was thinking about both @PrivatePilot and @Iceman as I haven’t seen either for quite some time now sadly.

Hope they’re both doing well. And the Asian symbols guy.
I think the Asian dude may have been banned. His posts were always "walking the fine line"
Either way, I hope he is doing well.
Hey all. Thanks for the thoughts, I just quietly slipped out the back door and didn't figure anyone would notice I was even gone lol.

It was a bit of a crappy spring and summer honestly up until the tail end of August and that had a bit to do with it - my mood was not good and I just refocused on a lot of stuff off the internet at the direction of my docs - my brain injury I'd mentioned in some other thread I can't racall now really put a damper on the summer as a whole. I was angry about a lot of stuff through the winter and spring and I just shutdown when the nice weather arrived and I couldn't really enjoy it.

I sat out vacations (my wife went on an Alaska cruise that I'd have loved to go on but just couldn't as I doubt I could have even enjoyed it), and riding was a bust - I was out a few times for super short rides around the neighbourhood and probably really shouldn't have been on 2 wheels honestly for a few of them. I knew that in short order when I found myself just target fixating on the car in front of me or missing obvious things that keep you safe on a bike. And then I went home.

I did get away for the May long weekend on a long-planned ride but I only had to follow the bike in front of me which was even then testing my limits - thankfully I was in a good week at that moment as even that trip was in question up until the last 48 hours, but it worked. A lot of other rides were truncated, IE I tried to go out for a coffee ride 10-20 minutes away with a friend and I just knew I wasn't safe so turned around and went home, which was infuriating. A lot of rides just never happened despite friends calling and all the usual stuff - I just knew I shouldn't be riding, the brain fog and lack of concentration was overwhelming. It was a rollercoaster - I'd have days or a week where I felt good, then I'd regresss and be back to staring at the TV for hours on end not even really watching what was on the screen as my brain fog returned with a vengeance.

I spent a lot of time at home. Organized my garage, but even that was frustrating as I literally couldn't even stay on task - what should have taken 2 or 3 days took me literally a month, but at least I had the time I guess and it kept me busy - I'm the type of person who is constantly puttering and doing *something*, so sitting still was driving me stircrazy.

I sat by the pool and that got boring fast. Stared off into space a lot lol. We did a little bit of camping but even that was squashed after our trailer was lost in a major wreck while out on a rental in the early summer, which was a whole other story. We just got it replaced after finally settling with insurance, and as I type this we're out camping.. The decompression is much needed.

Anyhow.... Things started to turn around a little in the early parts of August - my focus and concentration returned which was hands down my biggest symptoms - others persist to this day and according to the doctors may for years more, but that's another story, so I was able to get out and do some riding at least.

The JBR trip didn't happen due to the forest fires. Literally a few days before we were supposed to depart the JBR was actually closed, and there was a complete fire ban, which considering we were camping the entire trip up and back, would have sucked. Tours of the dam were also cancelled which was a big part of the trip as planned as well. So for the 5th year in a row, it's now "Try again next year". We pivoted and did something else instead, which went really well, and was the deciding factor for me to return to work just after labour day. That's been up and down as well, I've been ******* up here and there, but I was able to slide back into a non-driving position now so at least I don't have to worry about doing a Humboldt or anything like that - if a non driving position hadn't came up I'd proabably still be off - driving a car or riding a bike is one level, but driving an 80,000# 70 foot long truck through traffic or packed streets in Scarborough or whatnot is entirely a different level.

8 months off work and basically a whole summer lost because of a whack to the head - protect your noggins' fellas, this sort of thing can really mess you up so easily it's not even funny. It was an eye opener for me for sure, and I guess in many ways, fits in with this whole thread really well in retrospect.
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Hey all. Thanks for the thoughts, I just quietly slipped out the back door and didn't figure anyone would notice I was even gone lol.

It was a bit of a crappy spring and summer honestly up until the tail end of August and that had a bit to do with it - my mood was not good and I just refocused on a lot of stuff off the internet at the direction of my docs - my brain injury I'd mentioned in some other thread I can't racall now really put a damper on the summer as a whole. I was angry about a lot of stuff through the winter and spring and I just shutdown when the nice weather arrived and I couldn't really enjoy it.

I sat out vacations (my wife went on an Alaska cruise that I'd have loved to go on but just couldn't as I doubt I could have even enjoyed it), and riding was a bust - I was out a few times for super short rides around the neighbourhood and probably really shouldn't have been on 2 wheels honestly for a few of them. I knew that in short order when I found myself just target fixating on the car in front of me or missing obvious things that keep you safe on a bike. And then I went home.

I did get away for the May long weekend on a long-planned ride but I only had to follow the bike in front of me which was even then testing my limits - thankfully I was in a good week at that moment as even that trip was in question up until the last 48 hours, but it worked. A lot of other rides were truncated, IE I tried to go out for a coffee ride 10-20 minutes away with a friend and I just knew I wasn't safe so turned around and went home, which was infuriating. A lot of rides just never happened despite friends calling and all the usual stuff - I just knew I shouldn't be riding, the brain fog and lack of concentration was overwhelming. It was a rollercoaster - I'd have days or a week where I felt good, then I'd regresss and be back to staring at the TV for hours on end not even really watching what was on the screen as my brain fog returned with a vengeance.

I spent a lot of time at home. Organized my garage, but even that was frustrating as I literally couldn't even stay on task - what should have taken 2 or 3 days took me literally a month, but at least I had the time I guess and it kept me busy - I'm the type of person who is constantly puttering and doing *something*, so sitting still was driving me stircrazy.

I sat by the pool and that got boring fast. Stared off into space a lot lol. We did a little bit of camping but even that was squashed after our trailer was lost in a major wreck while out on a rental in the early summer, which was a whole other story. We just got it replaced after finally settling with insurance, and as I type this we're out camping.. The decompression is much needed.

Anyhow.... Things started to turn around a little in the early parts of August - my focus and concentration returned which was hands down my biggest symptoms - others persist to this day and according to the doctors may for years more, but that's another story, so I was able to get out and do some riding at least.

The JBR trip didn't happen due to the forest fires. Literally a few days before we were supposed to depart the JBR was actually closed, and there was a complete fire ban, which considering we were camping the entire trip up and back, would have sucked. Tours of the dam were also cancelled which was a big part of the trip as planned as well. So for the 5th year in a row, it's now "Try again next year". We pivoted and did something else instead, which went really well, and was the deciding factor for me to return to work just after labour day.

8 months off work and basically a whole summer lost because of a whack to the head - protect your noggins' fellas, this sort of thing can really mess you up so easily it's not even funny. It was an eye opener for me for sure, and I guess in many ways, fits in with this whole thread really well in retrospect.
Thanks for the update. Glad your brain is finally clearing up. I would love to hear the trailer story if you are ever interested in telling it. As a start, insurance would obviously hate me if I rented out a motor vehicle but do they care about a trailer being rented (or was it "borrowed")?
Awsome to hear back from you. Finally.
Glad to see that things are returning back the the norm as much as possible and you are able to enjoy life again.

Stay safe and don't forget your family here on GTAM.
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I would love to hear the trailer story if you are ever interested in telling it. As a start, insurance would obviously hate me if I rented out a motor vehicle but do they care about a trailer being rented (or was it "borrowed")?

It was rented via one of the legit peer to peer rental platforms online, and the trailers "personal" insurance company was aware of such, so it was all above board. Even though the platforms insurance comes into play when out on a rental and your personal insurance has nothing to do with it, our regular insurer wouldn't underwrite it, so the trailer alone was with a separate company, but that's yet another story. You pay a hefy portion of your rental fees for all this insurance and protection, but in this case, it paid off...that's where the long story begins lol.

It was out on a 1 month rental with a wonderful couple that were headed all the way to Vancouver Island and back. Given my condition and not really feeling up to travelling back in April/May, I figured it might as well go for a month as we weren't likely to use it much anyways at that point in my recovery (driving long distances wasn't in the cards at that point for me, and my wife won't tow it), so off it went.

I'll spare the exact details about what happened except to say it wasn't their fault, nor really anyone elses - it was a freak situation that resulted in the trailer ending up on it's side in the ditch in a rural area of Alberta. Nobody at all hurt, and I have to say the renters themselves were the most amazing people I could possibly have asked for through the whole situation - they pivoted their plans, and were not only insanely understanding, but recovered 95% of our belongings from the trailer and brought them home for us, including a few high ticket items like my large lithium battery I'd just installed, the inverter, and a bunch of other stuff.

The insurance situation through the rental platform got off to a very rough start - our trailer was a very niche model, and worse yet, back in the model year of our particular trailer the manufacturer only made something like 10-20 a year, so needless to say "exact replacements" were not plentiful (literally zero could be found anywhere), and the companies they hired to do the value assesments therefore decided to just compare it against a traditional "Built with twigs, bubble gum, and staples" mainstream trailer of the same year, which would be like comparing a 2009 Chevy Cavalier against a 2009 Honda S2000, to use one example - yeah, they're both cars, but they're very different cars. They were doing the RV equivalent of that, comparing our limited run quality built fibreflass clamshell camper against old mainstream junk RV's - the two things do not depreciate the same, suffice to say.

Through much debate, almost 2 months of storage they paid for at a tow truck yard, and two deeply flawed value assesments they wasted their money on, we finally came to a mostly amicable settlement - they were up against their worst enemy - an educated consumer who had a LOT of spare time on his hands lol. It took me 10 times as long as it should have to write many of the emails I sent, but I sure as heck stood my ground and justified my stance on values, which ended up with them paying more than 200% vs their initial offer when it was said and done.

Around the same time we found an insane deal on an exact replacement unit from the same manufacturer, albeit 11 years newer, and we snapped it up.

It's what we're camping in right now as I type this message, in the middle of a forest a few KM from anyone, or anything. I returned to work in September to unexpectly find all my unused vacation in "use it or loose it" status, so I snapped it up for the first 3 weeks of October, and am trying to squeeze in as much as I can in that time window lol. Honestly, it's probably a good thing, as the docs were worried I was overdoing it with the return to work as I was showing some regresssion, but living on <50% of my regular paycheque couldn't go on forever.


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