All that I wanted was a Pepsi....
... No! You're on drugs!
All that I wanted was a Pepsi....
This describes pretty much every biker I see on the highway.
This describes pretty much every biker I see on the highway.
It's not every biker.. it's every biker not on a cruiser, and even some that are.
Not sure if this belongs here but here is footage from my dashcam today while I was on the DVP going south:
I said "pretty much". Yes there are many that don't ride like they have a death wish but for every one of those there are 10 that are only alive because the cars around them are managing to avoid hitting the rider while he practically tries to get hit.Now that's a bit harsh don't you think?
It's not every biker.. it's every biker not on a cruiser, and even some that are.
People actually wonder why motorcycles get very little respect in Ontario. They must not actually see what goes on out there daily.
It's worse than that. Cruiser riders can ride perfectly and still come across as loathsome. Hey, I just call 'em the way I see 'em.
I said "pretty much". Yes there are many that don't ride like they have a death wish but for every one of those there are 10 that are only alive because the cars around them are managing to avoid hitting the rider while he practically tries to get hit.
Better cancel your optometrist's appointment, because your vision is sound as a pound.
My optometrist rides a cruiser. He thinks he's a son of anarchy or something like that. Just on the weekends tho, Mon thru Fri it's pressed slacks.
People should die or be hurt because they don't ride according to your standards?
On the topic of getting people hurt, the 5 car drivers that changed lanes without looking or using their turn signal should also be put to death
its got electronic shifting he says.
Some people learn from experience is all. Didn't say anything about death but hey if someone needs death to learn physics who am I to intervene?
He still has to push the paddles/levers to make it shift. That's sooooooo 2012. Neuron shifting is where it's at.
And the simplest transportation in the world is now the third? most complicated. After the space shuttle and a Lucas ignition. Thankyou science.
This one can't read your mind and it's far from simple.
A Huffy from WalMart is simple, this is not.
Hot damn! ^^ That is one crazy high end bike! I own super cycle, $149 on sale. My motorcycle helmet cost more than my mountain bike! Lol