The Worst Motorcycle of the 1980s - Honda Ascot Review

Haha I bet! Stats before silly face and after silly face would be interesting... And the demographic...
I've seen it more than once where a Youtuber says they aren't gonna do it, then they A/B test it just to see and it turns out to be very worth it
I've seen it more than once where a Youtuber says they aren't gonna do it, then they A/B test it just to see and it turns out to be very worth it
It's sad that tech company metrics can contribute to the dumbening of society at such a rapid pace. Yes, I said dumbening. Youtube is playing in the background while I work.
There were WAY worse bikes back then - think Suzuki Madura.
I liked the Madura! Cheaper version of a Magna
I'll bite - what was so bad about the Madura? Honestly I always forget about it and it shocks me every time to learn Suzuki made a V-4
The Madura was less expensive, faster, sounded better, and had round headlights and laced wheels - all things I have a softspot for. It was easy to maintain- Magnas still needed 5000 mile valve adjustments.

Magnas has superior brakes, and we're better marketed.

If I was going for an 80s power cruiser, Vmax first, then Madura, then Magna.
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