The Winter drivers are here! Hit and run (Video)

She simply doesn't realize that she can turn the wheel before she reverses. Prolly got her driver's license before power steering was a thing.

Maddening watch.

I had a Toyota pickup without power steering, and I could have had it out of that spot in two moves, even without having to turn the steering wheel when stopped.
No, it's not the other person's fault. But there's no excuse to park in the fire route.
Oh, wait it's more convenient for her, ;) (and less convenient for everyone else).

Sure, it could be assigned parking, but does that make it right to double park, and potentially box people in?

Around here, about 20+% of drivers seem to have major spatial issues.
Many can't even park perpendicular between two lines.

I just prefer a little prevention, to claiming insurance and getting my car fixed every week or two.

We (collectively) don't know what the parking lot looked like at the time that the red car was parked there. It's conceivable that all the nose-in spots were full. There are lots of other vehicles further down the lot parallel-parked where that red car was. Let's make the assumption that it is OK to park there.

In any case, just because someone parks illegally (and we don't know whether that's the case, either) doesn't give anyone else the right to hit their car!

Parking lots that are covered in snow, and thus without any lines visible, can muck things up. I've been "that guy" ... When I parked, the lot was snow covered and there was no way to tell where the spots were, or even where the rows were. Then the snow melted, revealing that a bunch of people (including myself) were not only not in parking spots, but not even in line with the rows of parking - we were in the aisle between the parking spots! Everyone that came into the lot after the snow melted parked properly, leaving us looking silly ...
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Is there something going on with women driving BMW SUVs that we should know about?

im sure by now you are aware of the stereotypes regarding that automobile brand and that gender, let alone both of them combined.
When they find the driver they should also look at the person that give him/her their driving license
Don't really think the fact that it was Winter had much to do with this stupidity, but about 2 1/2 days old with 1M+ views, that video went viral fast. This is in Calgary BTW.

BMW reversing out of a parking spot for 4 minutes, the person who assists in guiding the driver out of the spot at the end was the owner of the car she hit. Damage to the car she hit wasn't noticed until she drove away. ****** luck - dishonest people.
Just wow lol
Part of the problem with the tests is that they are quantitative. Period.

If you have a good day, hit all your marks and don't accumulate too many points on test day you get a license. Period. There is no part that says "he/she may have passed the test but I don't believe they are a competent driver" that can be signed by the examiner.

Retesting would help this, but imagine the headaches with that. System is already corrupt with the schools, the out of town tests and people talking tests for others. I'm sure they would find a way around retests in a heartbeat.

I work in male dominated industry, and I see this **** in our parking lots too. It isn't always female, almost never here.
When they find the driver they should also look at the person that give him/her their driving license

If it was Brampton, that would have been their cousin who lives downstairs.
So why can't we do something about it? What is wrong with the system that gives them a license? Seriously.
They make it too easy
They make it too easy
It isn't about that, in some communities, it is known that the tests are bought, you pay a fee and pass the test regardless of driving skill.

3rd world tactics filtering into Canada
So we should require tests from 2 separate entities. One 3rd party (gov't approved) and one governmental to reduce the number of "freeloaders".
If you have a good day, hit all your marks and don't accumulate too many points on test day you get a license. Period. There is no part that says "he/she may have passed the test but I don't believe they are a competent driver" that can be signed by the examiner.

Terrible idea.

The whole point of testing in the modern world is standardizing, and not personal-opinionizing. If the test is insufficient to determine skills, make it harder. Very simple equation.
Sooo.... Apparently.... The hit-and-run driver got charged with a whopping $115 ticket for 'unsafe backing'...

Now something is really wrong there... Guess people should start "accidentally backing in to cars" to get back at them for whatever reason... Very small price to pay IF you get caught >.>
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