The Toronto Spring Motorcycle Show International Centre

There were 3 shows??

I'm confused. There's the Mississauga Int Centre show that just happened 2 or 3 weeks ago and then the one at the Toronto Enercare Ctr. Which one is this one that's ended?
There were 3 shows??

I'm confused. There's the Mississauga Int Centre show that just happened 2 or 3 weeks ago and then the one at the Toronto Enercare Ctr. Which one is this one that's ended?
The '3rd' show, which is news to me as well.
Don't read too much into the roster for the other show locations.

I was at the Vancouver show Jan 12-14 (working the booth, of course) and all of the manufacturers were there except BMW and Ducati.

And even then, BMW was represented by the BMW Enduropark guys where they unveiled the new F900GS, and the local Ducati dealership had a booth where they brought a whole bunch of bikes to the show.
Noooooo.... I did not just google that. not at all..
🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
The third show was always there. It has not been worth attending for many many years now. It's essentially a flea market with a vague motorcycle theme.

Funny that the show is cancelled but their marketing company is still sending emails advertising it. Got one today.
The third show was always there. It has not been worth attending for many many years now. It's essentially a flea market with a vague motorcycle theme.

Funny that the show is cancelled but their marketing company is still sending emails advertising it. Got one today.
The January and April show were at the same place but different owners/organizers. So the spring show that's been around for 32 years has been cancelled, but the January owners will now do their own (same) thing during those now available dates.
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The January and April show were at the same place but different owners/organizers. So the spring show that's been around for 32 years has been cancelled, but the January owners will now do there own (same) thing during those now available dates.
As I recall the January show and the April one were once owned by the same organization (Bar Hodgson?).

At any rate it's become 1 too many, as it really has become nothing but a crappy flea market with some custom bikes.

The first time I went was way back in the late eighties/early nineties. It was at a smaller venue, though I can't remember which one. At that time it was a large swap meet, with a strong harley focus but also lots of british and other makes. Mostly individuals or small shops and a fair number of used bikes. This was before the days of the large accessory dealers and highly technical apparel and even the cheap leather sellers.

If it morphed back into something like this, I'd make a point of going because I both like vintage bikes of all kinds but also the cultural aspect. Many times I've found the people selling the old parts to know something that I didn't, or to have a technique or process to solve a problem that I lack. It won't happen of course.
Toronto has a least two , maybe three RV shows , a boat show , the adventure sport show , the sportsman show , two ( maybe three) motorcycle shows . A bicycle show and how many sub sport spin off shows with car culture . No wonder none of these cats can make any money , let’s split the market 22 ways .

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So, who is going to the show next weekend!
Enercare one? Should be able to make it. Back in Canada just in time for Valentine’s Day with gifts
Enercare one? Should be able to make it. Back in Canada just in time for Valentine’s Day with gifts
remember, i like milk chocolates. not that dark good for your heart crap!
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