The TO star - crazy or not

Perhaps due to my own personal bias, I find the Sun to be absolute trash.
FWIW, I don't consider the sun to be in my newspaper comments earlier, more like an entertainment or information paper.

I almost never use them for news, because as much as anything they are relatively new and they have a reputation. At times I do read Sun news articles. Sometimes good, sometimes not. I guess my expectations for the TO star were higher than for the Sun, hence this thread.
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FWIW, I don't consider the sun to be in my newspaper comments earlier, more like an entertainment or information paper.

I almost never use them for news, because as much as anything they are relatively new and they have a reputation. At times I do read Sun news articles. Sometimes good, sometimes not. I guess my expectations for the TO star were higher than for the Sun, hence this thread.

I kind of find them all "entertaining" opinions rather than factual in Toronto.

I think we got the Globe once per week and that was hard enough work trying to filter the news out of it.
The problem is, these days, editorials are being treated as hard news. You can thank the likes of Christie Blatchford and Rosie Dimanno for starting that trend.

I don't care for Rosie (and don't read anything from her bff Blatch). I can't take her seriously. She's been writing a long time and it seems she wrote volumes crying and sobbing how sports teams didn't want her to write inside the men's locker room and what terrible discrimination it is to not let a woman inside the men's locker room.

Then she wrote more volumes over the years about how nuns were mean to her and would hit her with rulers and how she was so bored in class she would mirror-write when not being hit with rulers by nuns.

Within the last couple months she ground out some grist about how she is proud of being afraid of technology and does it all the old fashioned way and only looks at email once in awhile very reluctantly etc. I thought to myself ok, have fun being irrelevant.

A month later she had twitter. (Probably out of jealousy from the hot new girl reporter Doolittle who does use Twitter to interact with her fans.)

Rosie seems to only write adulation columns or complaint columns. I can't remember the last column she wrote exposing a public interest topic.

All this aside, The Guardian from the UK is interesting as a paper because it is owned by a foundation. This means it cannot be owned by a crazy white man like a hockey team.
I used to read the Globe primarily, but dip in all the others now and again, mostly the Star for local Toronto stuff. The Post papers have had good stuff at times too, like the folks at the Ottawa Post hammering the Tories over election fraud.

Well, not the Sun anymore. The Sun I used to read more than fifteen years ago, since they had it free where I went for breakfast all the time. Back then it was just a low-rent blue-collar angry right-wing paper. Not great, but not the AWFUL tripe it is now. That was back before they decided they wanted to be Fox News North.

Anyway, even the Globe seems to be slipping these days. It's still my main read, but I've supplemented it with non-Canadian papers and web news services, like the NYT, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and even Rolling Stone (who have curiously become one of the few remaining publications that really does in-depth investigative journalism... what a world).

These days the most important thing to remember is to never trust any one paper. If you give a damn about a story, read articles from two, three, or even more papers. Better yet, if an article links to the primary source for something, read the primary source. It's more work, sure, but that's the world we live in.
I read all the on-line headlines from the globe, star and post and am fairly familiar with their online news coverage. I agree with most posted here. What I have found interesting is the post, which is supposedly right leaning, has often been critical and/or call out the harper government on various things. I've been pretty happy as they tend to call a spade a spade. Frankly I've found it a bit surprising as they are traditionally known as right wing, but in my reading they don't have any problem calling out the harper govt,... often at times.
I don't care for Rosie (and don't read anything from her bff Blatch). I can't take her seriously. She's been writing a long time and it seems she wrote volumes crying and sobbing how sports teams didn't want her to write inside the men's locker room and what terrible discrimination it is to not let a woman inside the men's locker room.

Then she wrote more volumes over the years about how nuns were mean to her and would hit her with rulers and how she was so bored in class she would mirror-write when not being hit with rulers by nuns.

Within the last couple months she ground out some grist about how she is proud of being afraid of technology and does it all the old fashioned way and only looks at email once in awhile very reluctantly etc. I thought to myself ok, have fun being irrelevant.

A month later she had twitter. (Probably out of jealousy from the hot new girl reporter Doolittle who does use Twitter to interact with her fans.)

Rosie seems to only write adulation columns or complaint columns. I can't remember the last column she wrote exposing a public interest topic.

All this aside, The Guardian from the UK is interesting as a paper because it is owned by a foundation. This means it cannot be owned by a crazy white man like a hockey team.

Yeah, Rosie is on my ignore list.
A Toronto Star telemarketer tried to sell me a subscription. I laughed and hung up.
i used to read the star, that is, I would scan the online site and pick and choose the few articles that interested me.. and would steer clear of any editorial and never, ever read the comments section... that being said, the day they decided to charge for their online content was the last day I visited the site

that whole Ford crack scandal really put things into perspective for me of how that "newspaper" is run
A Toronto Star telemarketer tried to sell me a subscription. I laughed and hung up.

I did the same when offered a free subscription to the Sun.
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