Why would you think that? Dhillon v. British Columbia was decided in a human rights tribunal, not a court of law. As far as I'm concerned, human rights tribunals need to go away. There's no need for a parallel system and their decisions frequently are in contradiction with both law and common sense.
Well. The members of the tribunals are generally accomplished, legally educated indivduals and I don't see where you get the idea that they don't apply the law or common sense. Tribunals are recognized as a legitimate and necessary part of our legal system and Courts will defer to the expertise of tribunals except in rare cases.
In this case, there really is no debate or confusion about the law. The helmet law is an interference with his freedom of religion, and yes the province also has a interest in public safety. (both of these are findings of fact made by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice according to my information.)
The only question is whether this interference is justifiable in our free and democractic society. This is something where reasonable people can disagree. Both positions are supported by the law and legitimate interest. This is about society drawing a line, its not about "common sense".