The Saudi Thread

they had the worst work ethic I've seen anywhere though
not a single one alive that knows what it is to work for a living
3 generations having lived off the petro economy I guess causes that
the country would fall completely flat on it's face if all the Indians and Filipinos left

So true. One of the students actually tried to get a fast food job so he could understand more. He was getting fully financed from back home had a nice car here decent appt but he wanted to pay for everything himself. They live a different life there and they don't necessarily engage as much with the lower class service providers that keep their country moving. Over here they don't see that separation and it hits them hard. When they go back they don't revert to what they were originally in terms of attitude.
what? you and I are in agreement?
someone else posting to your account?

joking, enjoy your weekend Link
so in response to the calls for an investigation
we get this from the Saudis:

“The truth is that if Washington imposes sanctions on Riyadh,
it will stab its own economy to death, even though it thinks that it is stabbing only Riyadh,”

Riyadh is ready to implement 30 measures “without flinching”
the moment US sanctions were imposed, including cuts to oil production
that could lead to prices rising to $100 a barrel.

repercussions of US sanctions could include a military alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia

just for asking for an investigation....bit of an over-reaction don't ya think?
like @crankcall said earlier, the sooner we get off oil the better

but $100 oil would do wonders for Canada
and the US as the world's #1 oil producer (fracking shale oil)
would also benefit
consumers.......not so much

There will be 4+ versions of the truth come out in the next weeks, then it will drop from mind.

The story that he died during "interrogation" is a spin, more likely died having the crap beat out of him and they needed the body gone, because he looked a bit worse for wear. How they justify chopping him up and leaving the embassy is a series of bags will be a good tale.

There have been quite a few countries kill people outside the borders, there is outrage, then crickets.
but $100 oil would do wonders for Canada

No, we've got our own stupid crap (pipeline capacity and outages, environmental activism and indigenous land restrictions) that's crippling our oil industry.

Internationally, the price of oil is currently $70 USD WTI ($80 USD Brent). Our Western Canada Select crude is selling at a huge discount: around $20 USD. Saudi under-production won't mean anything for us if we can't get our oil to either coast of the country to actually sell it to anyone else but the US, who is raping us for price because they're pretty much our only customer and they produce more oil (and better quality) than we do anyway...
Tar sands oil is some of the dirtiest oil in the world. There’s an insane amount of energy and resources required to clean it up so it’s useable and those cost money. There’s a reasonable argument for leaving the crap in the ground at least until there’s cheap technology available for cleaning it.
No, we've got our own stupid crap (pipeline capacity and outages, environmental activism and indigenous land restrictions) that's crippling our oil industry.

Internationally, the price of oil is currently $70 USD WTI ($80 USD Brent). Our Western Canada Select crude is selling at a huge discount: around $20 USD. Saudi under-production won't mean anything for us if we can't get our oil to either coast of the country to actually sell it to anyone else but the US, who is raping us for price because they're pretty much our only customer and they produce more oil (and better quality) than we do anyway...

sustained, $100 oil would fix all of that
and the loonie would take a big bounce

not saying I want that to happen
I'd rather have a value-added, balanced economy
Tar sands oil is some of the dirtiest oil in the world. There’s an insane amount of energy and resources required to clean it up so it’s useable and those cost money. There’s a reasonable argument for leaving the crap in the ground at least until there’s cheap technology available for cleaning it.

cleaning it is easy, same way they're been doing it for over a century
steam separates the bitumen from the sand
chemical catalysts are now added for higher yield
it's the mining part that is unbelievably expensive and dirty

in-situ steam extraction was the hope for the future
but at $40/barrel market price
it's a loser
Water has to be heated to steam which costs in terms of energy, and then the condensed steam is contaminated and needs containment and/or cleaning...and this is all before the crude is refined. In need a lot of fuel in order to extract something that you're going to make fuel out of later on. Saudi crude just comes out the ground as sweet-light crude...just needs refining. Fracking is just high pressure water plus some chemical additives. The tar sands stuff really only makes sense, as you said, when oil costs are high already.

We have some tech here at the university that looked promising for tar sands oil isolation but it looks like it can't compete with steam extraction in terms of costs and clean-up.
refining and cleaning are different things

and not all oilsands producers ship bitumen
some of them have facilities called upgraders
that output synthetic crude
it has higher value and transports easier - doesn't require dilution
but the current upgrader infrastructure can't meet demand
and the intended market also indicates whether the oil should be DilBit, or synthetic crude

ideally, for Alberta and Canada, all output should be upgraded
value added here, and it requires less pipeline capacity then DilBit

and when the price goes up, rail becomes a viable option when pipeline capacity is full

the heat to make steam is so cheap it's negligible
talk to northern Alberta farmers that turn on a kitchen faucet
and natural gas comes out, it's basically free for the Oil Co's

the biggest costs and environmental concerns are these


True, I'd forgotten about the free methane. It's still highly sulfurous "crude" compared to other international sources though.
tell your uni people to hurry up and figure this out JC
I'm not happy with that mess up there either
we need to stop mining it and use less water

topic for another day, another thread:

a plan put forward 40 or so years ago
would have made us energy self sufficient
and I'm sure there would be coast to coast pipelines
and regional refineries, and huge royalty reserves to get through market downturns

but the people that are fine making payments on huge pickup trucks
and are not bothered that they lose the house every 5 years
cried like 2 year olds and gave the resource away for nothing

so in the east, like where we all live
we continued to feed the refineries with foreign oil
because if it's coming from multinational Oil Co's
the market price is the market price, don't need a pipeline

and that brings us back to Saudi
obscene wealth controlled by a murderous regime
tell your uni people to hurry up and figure this out JC
I'm not happy with that mess up there either
we need to stop mining it and use less water

topic for another day, another thread:

a plan put forward 40 or so years ago
would have made us energy self sufficient
and I'm sure there would be coast to coast pipelines
and regional refineries, and huge royalty reserves to get through market downturns

but the people that are fine making payments on huge pickup trucks
and are not bothered that they lose the house every 5 years
cried like 2 year olds and gave the resource away for nothing

so in the east, like where we all live
we continued to feed the refineries with foreign oil
because if it's coming from multinational Oil Co's
the market price is the market price, don't need a pipeline

and that brings us back to Saudi
obscene wealth controlled by a murderous regime

My opinion is our tech isn't the best idea. It's swapping one contaminant for another (expensive) one. I always wondered whether ultrasound would aid in separation of the bitumen but then that's another kind of environmental contaminant.
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