The Reasonably Priced Used Motorcycles for Sale Thread

Transfer can be done direct from old owner to the person who buys it from the seller. Have done it a few times when I flipped a bike, perfectly legal.
i would never buy a motorcycle or car without the person named on the ownership present for the sale.

havent you ever seen fresh prince when Will buys a stolen car in a parking lot from a really trustworthy guy?:lmao:
It's called curb siding and it is absolutely illegal.

+1. When I bought My previous bike, the "owner" had not registered it to himself and trying to "sell" it to me direct from the original owners bill of sale. We had to go to the ministry together And he ended up paying tax first to transfer to him, and then me pay tax from him to me.

Nice lady at the counter or else we would have been F KD

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my buddy paid 6000 for his 07 gsxr 3 years ago.
used market has gone nutts in the last 2 yrs, ide say given what others are selling for thats not a horrible price.. probably 500-1000 more off would be fair but can be negotiated.
on the other hand, if he waits till april he will get full asking. (thats assuming its in good shape and needs maybe just pads.)

Bikes sell faster in the spring, but not for any more money.
What has gone nuts in the last few years is asking prices on Kijiji, because ads to sell bikes are now free. Back when you had to pay, people would not ask stuipid prices because they only wanted to place one ad and try to sell before the ad timed out. Now one can post a MINT, RARE never dropped, etc. bike for a stupid price, and many of those bikes never sell.
People have the right to ask whatever they want for there bike. If they price it too high, then maybe deep down they really dont want to sell and thats how they go about it. The other thing is if you price it too low then people think somethings wrong with it.
"Added more 4 more pics. Sorry if they are too dark but its dark in the garage even with the lights on. "

Crazy the door??

For $6000, "as -is" is not acceptable.


One decent pic and 5 useless pics. If he can't wheel the bike outside to get some decent pictures from all angles he's probably an idiot and treats the bike as such.
Why would you dispute the prior owners receipt? You cost the new owner BS tax and the government just made tax revenue twice on a bike for doing absolutely nothing. Curb-siding is illegal, but not enforced. It just pisses off dealers. Some-curb siding deals are perfectly legit. I want to sell my bike, you swap me for your skidoo, I don't want your skidoo, but your skidoo is worth a lot of money, someone else wants your skidoo, I sell your skidoo. You gonna give the governemt tax twice on this? F that!

+1. When I bought My previous bike, the "owner" had not registered it to himself and trying to "sell" it to me direct from the original owners bill of sale. We had to go to the ministry together And he ended up paying tax first to transfer to him, and then me pay tax from him to me.

Nice lady at the counter or else we would have been F KD

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Why would you dispute the prior owners receipt? You cost the new owner BS tax and the government just made tax revenue twice on a bike for doing absolutely nothing. Curb-siding is illegal, but not enforced. It just pisses off dealers. Some curb siding deals are perfectly legit. I want to sell my bike, you swap me for your skidoo, I don't want your skidoo, but your skidoo is worth a lot of money, someone else wants your skidoo, I sell your skidoo. You gonna give the governemt tax twice on this? F that!

I can give a flying eff about the previous owner paying his share of the tax. He lied to me (and the govt). and got caught red handed. Should have seen the look on his face when they asked him how the kms were higher when he had no proof of insurance... He couldn't even think up a simple excuse like "I used it on the track" because he was red faced and didn't want to blow the deal with he either.


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Not trying to promote my bike here or anything... but i am trying to sell my bike and wondering if you guys think its fair.

2003 R1, 36k, 2 bros pipe, good shape. New q3's on it.

$3900 basically firm! What do ya think? too little, too much?
He should have been honest with you and told you he was flipping it. Would have saved you both a lot of money. On your end, you should have walked away. Deals that involve lies are generally not good deals.

I can give a flying eff about the previous owner paying his share of the tax. He lied to me (and the govt). and got caught red handed. Should have seen the look on his face when they asked him how the kms were higher when he had no proof of insurance... He couldn't even think up a simple excuse like "I used it on the track" because he was red faced and didn't want to blow the deal with he either.


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