I wasn't saying the bike is a bucket of nuts and bolts. I'm sure it's a good bike with many miles left in it, but at 90,000 kms there won't be many potential buyers knocking at the door. I tried selling my bike with 84k kms on it, but just kept it because the offers were terrible. Also tried trading it in, and the dealer thought it had 1/10th the mileage due to the great condition, didn't believe me when I corrected him, and went back to the bike to double-check (like I would lie about having 10x more mileage than he thought!), and the trade deal died. My point is, a bike can be in fantastic condition, but perceived high mileage will really thin the number of buyers and kill the offers. If the guy really wants to unload it the price needs to reflect the reality of the market, which is what I think he's done with his asking price. It's not a steal, but it is "reasonably priced" for what it is, which is in keeping with the theme of this thread.
p.s. If we only commented on bikes we've owned, this thread would be pretty thin. Are we also restricted to the specific years we've owned or are we allowed to comment on all years of the same "generation" we owned? Maybe post up some new thread rules to help prevent people from being offended by an opinion.