The Reasonably Priced Used Motorcycles for Sale Thread

Only a $1000 for this sweet deal.

View attachment 44328
And in Kirkland lake to boot. If they get someone to take it for free the seller got a great deal.

I can't see that motor being happy even if you get it running well without some baffles to control the flow of cooling air (which would look bad in this design).
If there is an ownership attached to that lump it would be worth all of the asking price.

You can't plate home built trikes anymore. If you want a trike: buy a Harley (Harley bought the rights, so they're the only ones making them) or buy something like this that has grandfathered plates.
If there is an ownership attached to that lump it would be worth all of the asking price.

You can't plate home built trikes anymore. If you want a trike: buy a Harley (Harley bought the rights, so they're the only ones making them) or buy something like this that has grandfathered plates.
Considering it appears that the brakes, gas or any other control were never hooked up, I have my doubts. It has been sitting in Kirkland Lake for decades though so I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to plate it without an inspection back then.
was not your typo - I did not post it up - sent it to Mimico Polack to grab. Guess he did not see the messg. It was underpriced.

I’m strongly considering one. Love my DL650 but on going back issues and now left knee problems. Getting older sucks. Going see if I can test drive one at a dealer. Maybe trade or sell the 2015 DL650
Try mine if you like Mississauga. I had a couple of Wees and the X is a lot easier to handle and more stable at 130 kph.
Just takes longer to get there.
I'll be home in a hour. Just up at the Forks. PM or email me.
was not your typo - I did not post it up - sent it to Mimico Polack to grab. Guess he did not see the messg. It was underpriced.
I saw it and replied to it. But there was a typo then where the odo was showing 69,000km.

EDIT: price was $2900 with 69,000km.
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Wouldn't be my first choice for a starter bike but 2 years old with 2000km for 3k not a bad deal if you are new and all about dat gixxer life. I believe these have 5 year warranty, too.

Wouldn't be my first choice for a starter bike but 2 years old with 2000km for 3k not a bad deal if you are new and all about dat gixxer life. I believe these have 5 year warranty, too.

Those things are stones. They use them in some of the riding courses, the Honda 300 Rebels will kick their *sses.
"WHO wants to fall because a tire stickiness is USED UP."

Just read this idiot's ad:

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Damn, even if I had a bike for sale, I'd rather chuck it off a cliff than deal with that guy. He just seems like he'd try to bargain you down to the point where you were paying him to take your bike with no stickyness, impending main bearing failure and requiring bump starts constantly.
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