The Random Night Ride 2.0 | Page 15 |

The Random Night Ride 2.0

OK rsvp for 28 has been made!
Table is under the name MOTORCYCLES!!!
I even got us a table for our gear!
Cya'll tonight!!!!

1) GoldieTiger
2) rfid
3) UJelly
4) Karebear
5) HunGJai
6) TekNinja81
7) parttimer
8 )Lax
9) Magoo
10) CFunk
11) HomeWeb
12) Stigz
13) Stigz +1
14) Equus
15) Equus +1
16) Tora
17) Phillymon
18 )C-Note
19) Cha0s00100
20) Shortierider
21) bmitchell
22) Jin
23) Ming Ming
24)GSXMAER..........coming to get key for the Dog House!!!:iconbiggrin:
25) pylon
26) Stigz +1 more
27) Leo
28 ) peter330 (maybe)

anyone up to order 100 pieces of sashimi?

and like 10 orders of beef sashimi? (looks at Goldie >=D)

I may be a bit late...picking up gf west end and taking local streets to sushi place...i`ll meet you guys later later at leslie and lakeshore after dropping karebear home.
I'll pitch a helmet to add to that flare. Inside joke, shhhhhh! ;)
I'm a maybe so hopefully there's room if I do make it. Otherwise I'll be eating true jap style cross legged on the floor :D

O yeah thats right, i totally forgot about it , reserve that helmet for me. lol
we not letting you sit on floor, don't worry, i'm sure they have some baby seats, :d

I see my idea has picked up momentum... I got $40 on it!


sushi tonight!

I`ll help pitch in $20 for the custom paint job too...

Lax ride it with pride. lolz.

you guys are so generous, you better keep your words, i think it'll look really Catchy, $80 so far , who else. c'mon guys.
ugh...2 moar hours and I'm hungry already zzz
Have a safe ride all, sorry I had to ditch after Sushi. Pulled an all nighters last night and I need some sleep for work ;P. Take care and it was a pleasure meeting you new riders.
@GoldieTiger: Thank you for getting everyone together & for sushi, had a good time :) sorry couldn't ride with you guys, due to obvious reason. Bike!
That was an awesome night through and through. Will definitely be returning to Hachi Tarou for sushi again, and the ride tonight was a blast, especially with my new rear tire actually being safe to ride on. :p

Looking forward to whatever rides occur this weekend!
Yes, good food, awesome ride.

Only thing was that cop scare. "Who owns that black bike?"



do explain later tonight when we go riding (if we ride)
Was great meeting everyone last night. Hope to actually make it out for a ride with you guys soon
Was great meeting everyone last night.

^^^ This plus thanks for the great ride. Hope to join you guys/gals for more rides soon. Oh and Goldie - thanks for the sushi ... now have a new place to eat.

Goldie! We better win the jackpot with that $75 or else I want my money refunded! :)
Are you buying for tonight's draw or Saturday's draw?
I want in on the jackpot ;P if this is for the Sat draw Ill get you the money tonight if I see you. No way im loosing out on a big biker win . . . =P :D
Goldie! We better win the jackpot with that $75 or else I want my money refunded! :)
Are you buying for tonight's draw or Saturday's draw?

Actually it is really $65, cuz I forgot to deduct $10 I owed TekNinja & parttimer when they left early I had no change at the time!

I will buy the ticket today (which ever has the biggest jackpot) and Scan the ticket to post the pic too!
Here is the list of ppl who qualify for the Lotto Pool!

1) GoldieTiger
2) rfid
3) UJelly
4) Karebear
5) HunGJai
6) TekNinja81
7) parttimer
8 )Lax
9) Magoo
10) CFunk
11) HomeWeb
12) Stigz
13) Stigz +1 (Kitty)
14) Stigz +1 (Aaron)
15) bmitchell
16) Tora
17) Phillymon
18 )Jin
19) Cha0s00100
20) Ming Ming
22) pylon

THANKS so much to all who attended! I hope you had a wonderful time & we will Meet/Ride again!
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I want in on the jackpot ;P if this is for the Sat draw Ill get you the money tonight if I see you. No way im loosing out on a big biker win . . . =P :D

Don't worry you are in the Pool it is $3 we all saved with rfid's 12% discount card!
Don't worry you are in the Pool it is $3 we all saved with rfid's 12% discount card!

so if we win...

all of us agree we all buy the same ducati's in different colors? :)

Will be awesome to see 23 ppl ride in to lnl or kc with the same ducati's...
Hey now ... why does Ming Ming get two shares?

Actually it is really $65, cuz I forgot to deduct $10 I owed TekNinja & parttimer when they left early I had no change at the time!

I will buy the ticket today (which ever has the biggest jackpot) and Scan the ticket to post the pic too!
Here is the list of ppl who qualify for the Lotto Pool!

1) GoldieTiger
2) rfid
3) UJelly
4) Karebear
5) HunGJai
6) TekNinja81
7) parttimer
8 )Lax
9) Magoo
10) CFunk
11) HomeWeb
12) Stigz
13) Stigz +1 (Kitty)
14) Stigz +1 (Erin)
15) bmitchell
16) Tora
17) Phillymon
18 )Jin
19) Cha0s00100
20) Ming Ming
22) pylon
23) Ming Ming

THANKS so much to all who attended! I hope you had a wonderful time & we will Meet/Ride again!

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