The People of Walmart

I honestly think both parties are nuts. Like really....I'm sick of you-tubers filming their life and posting garbage like this for their 5 minutes of fame. That guy in the car was absolutely NUTS. Biker clown should consider himself lucky that the guy didn't pull a gun on him.

I think Sanders won with regular democrats, not so much with delegates and super delegates.

It's tough to tell with democrats because of people being unregistered without their knowledge or being required to register long before any candidates were announced in order to even be eligible to vote.

Sanders did destroy her with the independent vote which will be crucial in winning the general election. Unfortunately, in many states, independents aren't allowed to vote in the primaries.
The guy was obviously going fast to get a roll-back deal on some toothpaste or something, geez. :)

No, it's the car speeding at the beginning of the vid and overtaking people in a residental area recklessly. He just happened to see him again/followed him to Walmart.

I enjoy these vids. It's not my safety and I get a laugh.
Why would anyone knowingly invite this into their life? Looks like the soldier is a bully and the little Mexican is defending himself the only way he knows how with mind-poisoning black ghetto culture "F yo mama." The US is one sad place these days.
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