Who's up for a ride tomorrow? Should be nice weather 

I mean wow... even the waitress commented on it... oh the cruelty of life...
Yup, and scraped a lot of bike parts doing it!
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LOL... that's awesome. Leave it to Katatonic to randomly show up on a ride in another country.
Dave! I haven't seen you in a few years! Hope everything is good. Do you have a street bike now? Last I remember you had a track bike and a dirtbike....
I had to be in Cleveland for a family reunion, which is today, so I decided to leave a few days early and take the scenic route!
I got to Tennessee a day earlier than expected so I was able to shed all the touring bags off the bike and actually have some fun.
The camera hardly shows it, but it's quite the incline. Truck was in 1st gear floored to make it up there. I wasn't sure if 2 wheel drive would be enough
I know Zdeno's isn't everybody's favourite place around here, but is anyone planning on checking out their bike night tonight?
Raining here in Guelph....Anyone down for a ride today?
Planning on a ride to Hockley Valley on the Saturday of the upcoming long weekend.
It will be a relaxed pace with a few fun paced areas, but nothing stupid. It's a long weekend, so police will be everywhere.
If you want to ride 150km/h+ everywhere, ride like a nut bar or pull wheelies, this isn't for you.
Meet: Saturday, August 5
Location: Tim Horton's, corner of Bridge St. and University Ave. in Waterloo
Time: 1 p.m. Kickstands up at 1:15 p.m. SHARP
We should be back around 4:30 p.m. or so.
Have a FULL tank of gas. Please be courteous to everyone else on the ride. We will stop for gas at either Grand Valley or in Fergus on the return route.
I will be 2-up, so if you're so inclined, bring your other with you!