The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Why on earth would anybody think otherwise?

I don't know. That's why we have track bikes, right? So we can be safe on the streets and enjoy speed and savage lean angles on the track. ...and dirt bikes for totally uninhibited fun. There's only one rule, don't hurt anyone else ;)
Anyone down for a ride today?
Beautiful weather...
I was thinking of around 6-7:30ish with meetup at McDonalds on Ottawa/River

I'll be around 7. I've got cabin-fever big time, so I'll be there.
Reminder for anyone coming out...

Saturday, Sept. 20th
Meet: Tim Horton's, University & Bridge Street.
Time: 11:45, Kickstands up at 12:00 sharp.
Length of Ride: Approximately 3 hours (To Hockley General Store and Back)
Pace: No 400 series highways.
I tried hanging with a sport bike group last weekend and lets just say I felt slow and like i was holding them up LOL

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Couple of us meeting up for a ride at Northfield/Weber Tim Horton's at 10:45am Saturday if you're interested.
I'm thinking about leading a Thursday night ride. Will confirm tomorrow. The plan is:

Meet: Petro-Canada @ Columbia and Fischer-Hallman.
Time: 4:45ish, leave at 5:00.
Route: Leaving the city via Erbsville Rd north.
Pace: I'll be wearing jeans.
Duration: I dunno, 1.5 hours maybe.
I might be in for this if I get the fender changed on the Equinox today. shoot me a text Dave if this is for sure tomorrow. See you soon

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