The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Very nice... we stayed here:!3m1!1s0x885eb7b7a5a70341:0x9998a3ef59903c21

Very very pleased with the place.
Getting the vehicles (car/truck with trailers) up and around the 160 degree turn that has a steep incline was interesting enough. That was the only thing that wasn't ideal about the place.

As for not being able to ride your bike to Georgia.. you probably could if you staged it correctly.
We rode to Franklin, had a nice lunch. Went farther down, stopped at a couple waterfalls to stretch our legs. Went through Highlands (what a picturesque little town!) and on to Georgia. I guestimate we almost went to the South Carolina border before turning around and heading back.
Again, taking strategic breaks to ensure our @sses didn't deflate completely by the time we got back to the house.
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Did you have cell reception there? That's one thing that drove me crazy, we had to ride 15 mins down skyway just to use our phones.
I would need a lot of breaks since it's a dirt bike seat.
no cell, but they had internet which did the job.
Just got back from 1-month vacation :)
Missed the bike, can't wait to get back out there. Any rides happening this weekend? Anyone want to do a ride to Paris?
Just got back from 1-month vacation :)
Missed the bike, can't wait to get back out there. Any rides happening this weekend? Anyone want to do a ride to Paris?

I'll be up for something, but I'm terrible at leading, though.
I'll be up for something, but I'm terrible at leading, though.

But you're great at oggling... :downtown:

Hehehe... Sorry.. couldn't resist.

Sunday afternoon I could go for a ride...
Could go for a 2pm ride.
Anyone want to from kw, Cambridge or guelph wanna ride up to mosport this aft it's 35$ races start at 1 would like to be there at 12_12-30 anyone down to ride up there?
Means we would have to leave around 10-10:30

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OK. meet at 2pm at Tim Horton's at Homer Watson/401 across the street from Conestoga college.
put me down as a maybe
bigevil and I are in, c ya there at 2
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