The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Smergy and the gang (myself included) rented a massive "cottage" - can sleep 10 people. We've got a grand total of 6 people going, with 5 riders. It's about 15 minutes past the Fontana Village Resort. Has 2 garages and the works.

Changed the brake fluid in the Daytona today, (did it yesterday, but it felt a bit spongy) and now it feels rock solid awesome.
Did the rear yesterday and it didn't need to be redone today.
New coolant in and new rear tire on last weekend - scrubbed it in nicely, so it's all set too.

All that's left now is to throw on the old body work (putting the new stuff up for sale when we come back) and do an oil change.
Oh.. and pack my gear up.

And to anyone potentially interested, we'll be heading down somewhere south again next year. Maybe check out Highway 421 (the Green Eyed Snake) and surrounding area... Be in July again. Of course, preference given to experienced riders with some form of track day experience. Sorry to sound elitist, but it's sheerly a safety thing - these roads are not for the faint of heart or noobs.
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Just back from a good fun ride with Smergy...
Well, early enough to watch the second overtime and see DEUTSCHLAND WIN!!! WOOHOO!!!

Rained here till about 9am and has been great weather since.
unfortunately I need to figure out why my ABS light is on after a tire change, I'll be sorting that out tonight instead

I'm planning to ride down to Windsor for the weekend. Probably going to go check out Detroit as well. If anyone is interested going to Windsor, or just half-way to London it would be great to have company.
Meet at 6:30 at McD (ottawa/river)
We will be heading to royal for bike night then the route will be decided. If you can't make McD at 6:30 but can make ~7 for bike night; see you there. Text me at 519-572-8395 if you want to meet up
See you out there :)
packed and loaded for the gap, c ya guys in a week and a bit
packed and loaded for the gap, c ya guys in a week and a bit

All my stuff is together... loading up tonight and on the road first thing in the morning. See ya down there at the cabin!
Last day of riding today :'(

Meet at 6 at the McD at Ottawa/River. Relaxed pace; ride up to maryhill area though I am more than open to suggestions...
Well guys, it's been really fun this past month, but tomorrow I leave the country for a month. Ride safe and enjoy the nice weather! See you in a month ;)
Group Ride
Date: July 23.
Time: 10 a.m. till whenever
Location: Tail of the Dragon & Moonshiner 28.
Pace: Whatever you make it
Fun Factor: Fully and completely mental.

Lots of notice. No excuses for no-shows.
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