The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

anyone up for a ride today?

Long time lingerer, just been busy and hadn't had the time to be involved

BUT, I think its time that I make some time. I'm down for a ride.
plan on meeting a buddy in a cage (08 M3) Guelph Line to Snake Rd....after that not sure, but wanna keep riding.

meet at car pool

going to meet there for about 1pm, maybe wait for a little pending on who can make it. will check my phone if anyone is interested 519-242-3436 -kevin
probably put on a few miles today if anyone is interested, let me know
I'm down. Lunch and ride?
thinking of heading up towards grand valley, sorry was busy taking all the track stuff off the bike, thinking after lunch, say 1?
If I had of been out of bed before now I would have met up for this one. I was on the bike for over 8 hours yesterday. Beat. Next time guys and gals I'd like to meet up.
see you guys at 12:15 then
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