How I de-crypt Kijiji ads:
Never RACED - This means I took it to a few trackdays. However, trackdays don't require a race license and as such are not considered "racing".
Never STUNTED - This means I did some wheelies and stoppies. However, they were not performed at an organized stunt event or sunt lot and I did not recieve a stunt driving ticket for doing them. As such they are not considered "stunts" or "stunting"
Never DROPPED - This means I dropped it. However, I did such a good job of hiding any evidence of it you wont know and thus it never happened.
Dropped by PREVIOUS OWNER - This means I crashed it. However, so did the previous owner, so let's blame the damage on him.
Dropped in the PARKING LOT - This means I crashed it into a ditch on a group ride. However, dropping it in a parking lot seems like a more reasonable explanation.
LADY RIDDEN - This means it's been dropped, the clutch is fried, and no maintenance was done. However, they are generally extremely low mileage and ridden to timmies a lot.
Tons of $$ in UPGRADES - This means the bike has rim tape, fender eliminator, and a slip-on exhaust.