The Official Election Thread

Interesting. So tell me how you feel Cons handled the 2008 recession. Id say we fared extremely well during the last 7 years because we had Cons in power. why are you letting NDP scate due to being in power during recession while showing zero praise for how the governement handles whats is now considered the worst recession since the 1929 stock market crash?

I'm more disappointed with the conservative's actions (lack thereof) on the environment, and social programs like healthcare. With their majority, they simply bullied their way in parliament, in contempt of the parliamentary process.

about healthcare: IMO, it is Harper's plan to privatize health care. In the past, private corporations were more efficient than government run organizations, but over the past decade, unfettered capitalism and corporate greed has completely negated that advantage, in its motivation to extract the maximum profits at the expense of services.
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If they were in power shouldn't they have done something about it?

You got that it was a world-wide recession, right? And the ndp government we're talking about was a provincial government.

Obama is more progressive than Harper, so yes, I would prefer him as PM if that were a possibility.

You have to remember that I'm a socialist tree hugger, and not at all ashamed of that. Conservatives/republicans are the party of corporate greed.

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Care to let us in on what the Libs and NDP stand for?

Uh, Liberals want to legalize pot and send winter jackets somewhere.
I think the point is, I really liked back when Canada didn't use attack ads. Now that's all you see. What if all of life was like that; job interviews, first dates. Don't play yourself up, knock the others down. Growing up, I knew people that did that, I have very little respect for those people.
A political party is being elected by me. To work, for me. I shouldn't have to search up to see what you are going to do. Tell me. Show me. And then do it. *sorry, I like my little Utopian world that I have created for myself *
I think it's sad and telling that the Cons have to use deceit in their attack ads. They don't actually have a truthful fact that they can use.

1) "budgets will balance themselves" is attributed to JT, but that's just part of the sentence he said. He actually said, "If the economy is strong, budgets will balance themselves."

2) The actor asked, "How can sending winter jackets to Syria protect us from ISIS?"
It wasn't meant to, it was a humanitarian guesture to help refugees from ISIS in that area.

3) The actor said, "I guess pension splitting for seniors will also be taken away."
No, just income splitting which benefits the wealthiest Canadians the most and does little for those who need tax relief the most.
You have to remember that I'm a socialist tree hugger, and not at all ashamed of that. Conservatives/republicans are the party of corporate greed.

I'm a small business person and a free market supporter and have traditionally been a Conservative supporter ... but I am certainly no party member. I don't particularly like what Harper and his cronies have done in many respects but I do think we came through the recession/depression in better shape because we had conservative policies in effect at the time. Having said that ... the incumbents need to go. But then what? Trudeau? Not a fan. I will never vote NDP or for anyone offering similar viewpoints and policies until the day I die, so that's out of the question.

In other words ... I don't like any of them.

A Conservative minority with NDP opposition would be ... interesting. Through the 2008 recession/depression it was Conservative minority with Liberal opposition ... I do think it's time for a minority government again.
Ugh another election where I have a hard time endorsing any of the candidates. Time to play the game of picking the lesser of 3 evils i suppose. Do I stick with the stiff dictator guy, go with the new kid on the block riding on his daddy's name or the slightly punchy hipster grand pa. As an old curmudgeon I'm having trouble deciding.
Been around long enough to be disappointed/frustrated/screwed over, by all parties - but that's bound to happen, as long as we have politicians running governments. At this point, I've become a one issue voter. Neither the NDP or the Liberals trust the Canadian citizenry to own firearms and think that we'd be better off, if we were disarmed. That's the kind of crap Hitler and Stalin, et al, did. I will never trust a government, that doesn't trust it's citizens to own firearms - PERIOD ! !
A Conservative minority with NDP opposition would be ... interesting. Through the 2008 recession/depression it was Conservative minority with Liberal opposition ... I do think it's time for a minority government again.

I think that is our best hope -- get a minority government either led by the cons or the ndp and nothing major will change other than possibly the leader of one or more of these parties and hopefully a few dead-weight MPs get tossed to the curb as well.

If that happened (a minority government), we might be back at the polls again very soon -- but maybe with better choices that time around (one can dream, right)?
I'm a small business person and a free market supporter and have traditionally been a Conservative supporter ... but I am certainly no party member. I don't particularly like what Harper and his cronies have done in many respects but I do think we came through the recession/depression in better shape because we had conservative policies in effect at the time. Having said that ... the incumbents need to go. But then what? Trudeau? Not a fan. I will never vote NDP or for anyone offering similar viewpoints and policies until the day I die, so that's out of the question.

In other words ... I don't like any of them.

A Conservative minority with NDP opposition would be ... interesting. Through the 2008 recession/depression it was Conservative minority with Liberal opposition ... I do think it's time for a minority government again.

Echo these sediments.
I don't know whether we're talking about the sediment on the bottom or the pond scum on top. Either way, it smells.
Wow. Politics. Haven't kept up. What's new?
Interesting. So tell me how you feel Cons handled the 2008 recession. Id say we fared extremely well during the last 7 years because we had Cons in power. why are you letting NDP scate due to being in power during recession while showing zero praise for how the governement handles whats is now considered the worst recession since the 1929 stock market crash?

Although I generally don't support the Conseratives view. I do believe we had a very well respected Finance Minister (Jim Flaherty) whos's policies and direction played a major role in helping us get through those tough times. He also was one of the very few that had the balls to stand up against Harper and wasnt afraid to voice his view in public. I seriously doubt Harpers' new pupet is going to do anything to help our Economy. Look what happened ever since Jim passed away. Income splitting for the well off, child bonus cheques to buy votes, a deficet in the budget as compared to a balanced one that Jim had us on track with. In adddition look at all the scandels and recent staff quiting his cabinet.
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Conservative's are going to vote Conservative, no matter what.
Progressives can't understand how anyone could.

Progressives are going to vote Anybody But Conservative, no matter what.
Conservatives can't understand how anyone could.

Each group sees the world through different lenses. Each group has their own reality based on their perception. Nothing can change that.
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I thought we got through a recession pretty well because we've been made into a short sighted resource and service based economy when those resources were at a pretty high price. Now they aren't we are slumping and the lack of any innovation or high tec is embarrassingly apparent. I don't want to live in a country where all we're known for is digging crap out the ground so someone with some vision needs to be in power....and that's not the cons.
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