The new ZX14R is revealed

Love the new look. Can't believe there is no ABS though.

In those pics you can clearly see an ABS synchro ring on the front wheel hub.

The side venting/louvres have more to do with high-speed aerodynamics and assisted cooling than any aesthetic value.

In North America, these types of street bikes make so little sense in these days. Their true potential can't be safely tapped on the street for longer than only a few mere seconds here and there, and their chassis' are nowhere near ideal for track use.

I suspect they do the Autobahn with aplomb though..just add lots of gas and rear rubber and go...
Still a horrible looking bike. I always hayed those side vent things. Just a terrible look I.M.O.

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+1, still uglier than busa
Great looking bike, its on my shortlist for my new bike this winter.... I saw that traction control is there, but did not see ABS on the website. Can anyone confirm?
Aren't those the 08 GSXR cans on the 14? lol
In North America, these types of street bikes make so little sense in these days. Their true potential can't be safely tapped on the street for longer than only a few mere seconds here and there, and their chassis' are nowhere near ideal for track use.
You can say that about any sport bike nowadays and your track comment excludes drag strips from being tracks. Though I'm not a huge fan of the drag strip, that's what the emphasis is with these things. As for a street bike it has advantages over regular supersports. It's not bad at all on corners, and it's nice having a bike you don't need to wring out to get going or buzzes like a lawn mower on the highway. Only old people like me can afford the insurance on them, though.
The 'busa and the 14 have both gone the wrong way. One company has followed the other down a slippery slope. The generation one 'busa was a nice looking bike. I don't know why Suzuki took the rounder lines. As a GSXR 1300, keeping it somewhat looking like the GSXR line-up, the bike would have sold. As the sport-tourer/VW Beetle they've turned it into, they just don't sell anymore. You can still see one sitting at a Suzuki dealer near you! Kawasaki has just made an uglier 'busa.
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The 'busa and the 14 have both gone the wrong way. One company has followed the other down a slippery slope. The generation one 'busa was a nice looking bike. I don't know why Suzuki took the rounder lines. As a GSXR 1300, keeping it somewhat looking like they GSXR line-up, the bike would have sold. As the sport-tourer/VW Beatle they've turned it into, they just don't sell anymore. You can still see one sitting at a Suzuki dealer near you! Kawasaki has just made an uglier 'busa.

Not where the real target market is, the USA. The big bikes sell well there.
In those pics you can clearly see an ABS synchro ring on the front wheel hub.

The side venting/louvres have more to do with high-speed aerodynamics and assisted cooling than any aesthetic value.

In North America, these types of street bikes make so little sense in these days. Their true potential can't be safely tapped on the street for longer than only a few mere seconds here and there, and their chassis' are nowhere near ideal for track use.

I suspect they do the Autobahn with aplomb though..just add lots of gas and rear rubber and go...

Those rings are also used for traction control, so just because it has them does not mean it has ABS....It could have TC without ABS

I dont understand why they wouldnt make it an option in all of the markets...Although the big space it leaves in the frame beside the battery when it doesnt have it, made a perfect location for the air ride system on the 09 we built...
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Also surprised at the lack of ABS. Though if I had to guess, I'd say they'd already blown through their weight budget so badly they had to cut it. She's definitely packed on a few pounds.

Hit every branch on the way down, falling out of the ugly tree.

Seriously, when I read the thread title I though "great, maybe they fixed the styling!" Then I threw up in my mouth. They saw the 2nd gen Hayabusa and thought "hey, ugly sells!"
I miss my Blackbird.
I have a Blackbird,I drove it today for about 3 hours.I went through a radar trap on Church Street and as I saw him I looked down at my speedo and I was only going 10 over , so no ticket .Good thing my buddy was behind me ,as he just bought a 05 Busa and usually rides at about 25 over.

PS I love the new ZX 14 but I have to settle for what I have
LoL, heheh - not sure who they're going to sell those to.
First, the Canadian model is the extremely ugly green one (with swirly stripes in the paint).
The gorgeous blue and all-black models are available - apparently - only south of the border!
To even consider this bike, it would have to be black.
The blue is okay too, point is it doesn't have the disgusting pimp-my-ride dingo-ball paint job... like the green.
I have a lot of kilometers on (second gen) ZX-14 and they're already insanely quick, to the point of being dangerous.
The traction control and anti-wheelie electronics would be the most valuable new additions!
But new bikes are just getting more & more complicated; more computers, more electronics, more rider aids.
And sure, of course I completely agree - 186 horsepower was just not enough...
And torque? You can ride a ZX-14 all summer (including 2-up) and never take it over 4 grand.
In a big hurry? 5 grand then...
I s'pose the new Concourse will soon be 1440 cc as well, and even more complex.
It's torque that creates big heavy bikes. Torque requires metal! It's torque that twists up the frame when first getting rolling.
High horsepower, low torque bikes don't have this problem and can be light weight.
A new supersport 600cc is attractive to me more & more these days.
Or anything small and light that handles well, and revs way out to generate horsepower.
Better for just bombing around on, or pleasure rides, Sundays or whatever...
It's how we all mostly ride isn't it? Hey I don't do the Iron Butt thing anymore - how about you guys?
Even a ZX-14 was almost justifiable, sorta, heheh... but I don't know who will buy this new ZX-14R.
It's just too much, and in the wrong direction.
And the Canadian model is fugly.
It's just too much, and in the wrong direction.

"Too much" is a concept that's only begun to penetrate the consciousness of North American consumers. Until then, they will sell these like tuna fish (kinda looks the same too)
Still love my gen.1 Busa

Same ....and stroking and big bore costs less then a whole new bike. I still cant get over the george forman grills on the sides of the 14
the head to head drag strip video they have on site is pure Kawi marketing BS... 4.4mph difference in the 1320 and 4tenths difference, lol ok whatever, the stance of Busa rider on the line is the worst i ve ever seen

and ricky can only pull a 10.25 when he switches bikes..rrrrrrright i got a 10.18 141 on a gen 1 the first time on the 1320 in 20 years back in 2005 now w/ min mods-pipe lowered ecm flash co2 shifter - 9.7's -9.8's (even with those times my 60ft is crap -1.7's yuck )
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