The Nanny State Strikes Again

How can Harper sell off rights that are part of our constitution without an agreement with all the provinces?

It's called democracy. As I said many times before. It exists for the sole purpose of making you believe you have a say in things. You don't,, we don't... I.E. HST, or the new Ontario pension..

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"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
This slow death by a thousand cuts ******** has always annoyed me. Either establish limits and then leave them alone, or just ban cigarettes completely. I frankly don't understand why a province that had no problem banning pit bulls or keeps bringing up a hand gun ban would even bat an eye at it. Oh wait, yes I do - it would eliminate $1 billion in tax revenue.


"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Meanwhile a lot of these patios are right beside a roadway -- where vehicles of all types are blowing carcinogens into your face. Where is the uproar over traffic smog?

My Mom is battling lung cancer as we speak, although that is not surprising considering she smoked for 50 years. Still doesn't make me want to tell everyone else what to do though.

It's one of my favorite excuses smokers pull. As you know, vehicles are essential in our society, from basic "getting from A to B", going to work/school, ambulances, fire trucks, mail delivery, produce delivery, you name it. It has pretty much nothing in common with fad of smoking... Smoking has absolutely nothing positive nor essential to it, and to try to compare the two is classic example of apples to oranges.
Sorry to hear about your mom, hope she makes full recovery.
So why not outlaw tobacco then? I'm sure all of you nonsmokers would love to pay the extra taxes and as a smoker I'd support this measure :D
If you don't want people smoking, make it illegal. This country has a very solid track record of law compliance when it comes addictive substances. And the Mob, they're getting old and fat.
If you don't want people smoking, make it illegal. This country has a very solid track record of law compliance when it comes addictive substances. And the Mob, they're getting old and fat.

Tobacco would be easy to stamp out as it doesn't give a real high. The only problem would be explaining the increase in taxes once the government stops cashing in on our addiction.. That's why smoking will continue being allowed but the libtard types will keep adding these little annoyances to gain political brownie points while saying "it's for your own good" while somehow still maintaining a straight face :cool:
This slow death by a thousand cuts ******** has always annoyed me. Either establish limits and then leave them alone, or just ban cigarettes completely. I frankly don't understand why a province that had no problem banning pit bulls or keeps bringing up a hand gun ban would even bat an eye at it. Oh wait, yes I do - it would eliminate $1 billion in tax revenue.
it's not about the money. if they banned it it wouldn't work, see how well banning drugs has worked.
Tobacco would be easy to stamp out as it doesn't give a real high. The only problem would be explaining the increase in taxes once the government stops cashing in on our addiction.. That's why smoking will continue being allowed but the libtard types will keep adding these little annoyances to gain political brownie points while saying "it's for your own good" while somehow still maintaining a straight face :cool:

quitting smoking tobacco is harder than quitting heroin. banning it won't work.
it's not about the money. if they banned it it wouldn't work, see how well banning drugs has worked.

For most drug users, it involves small quantities and infrequent consumption in public. A full-blown nicotine addiction requires taking the drug WAAAAY too often not to get discovered and also the quantities in general are greater so it would be easier to catch on a grand scale, thus really drying up the supply and getting the prices up to the point where everyone would just quit. I still stand behind my conclusion - the libtard governments are too addicted to the tax dollars that they get thanks to our addiction
Tobacco would be easy to stamp out as it doesn't give a real high. The only problem would be explaining the increase in taxes once the government stops cashing in on our addiction.. That's why smoking will continue being allowed but the libtard types will keep adding these little annoyances to gain political brownie points while saying "it's for your own good" while somehow still maintaining a straight face :cool:

Is this a factual statement or a ruse to engage me in silly banter?
For most drug users, it involves small quantities and infrequent consumption in public. A full-blown nicotine addiction requires taking the drug WAAAAY too often not to get discovered and also the quantities in general are greater so it would be easier to catch on a grand scale, thus really drying up the supply and getting the prices up to the point where everyone would just quit. I still stand behind my conclusion - the libtard governments are too addicted to the tax dollars that they get thanks to our addiction

other areas that are controlled by conservative governments have similar laws. Take a look at saskatchewan and alberta, they've got similar laws to us and they've been under conservative rule for ages.
quitting smoking tobacco is harder than quitting heroin. banning it won't work.

I've heard that as well. And it's ********. It's harder because it's more available and therefore in your face more. It's funny how there's so many people I know that have quit since they started putting pictures on packs, and making it less ideal to smoke. It also surprises me how many people that don't have children still go outside their own homes to smoke.

And yes I smoked for 14 years and stopped about 5 years ago. It's stupid and completely pointless. I'm all for making it illegal, and legalizing pot. That will replace the lost taxes collected from cigarettes.
it's not about the money. if they banned it it wouldn't work, see how well banning drugs has worked.

If they banned the sale & importation of cigarettes, and banned public smoking (with maybe a slap on the wrist fine), it would work well enough for what is ostensibly the goal of these ever-increasing restrictions: reduce people's exposure to cigarette smoke. Would it eradicate smoking completely? Absolutely not, cigarette smuggling is ALREADY a thing here. Little Jimmy's chances of inhaling second hand smoke would go down, though.
If they banned the sale & importation of cigarettes, and banned public smoking (with maybe a slap on the wrist fine), it would work well enough for what is ostensibly the goal of these ever-increasing restrictions: reduce people's exposure to cigarette smoke. Would it eradicate smoking completely? Absolutely not, cigarette smuggling is ALREADY a thing here. Little Jimmy's chances of inhaling second hand smoke would go down, though.

it will slowly be banned, it's far easier to restrict your privileges (smoking is not a right) a little by little than all at once. It is also way easier to enforce, we don't want to be making criminals out of people over smoking.

it will slowly be banned, it's far easier to restrict your privileges (smoking is not a right) a little by little than all at once. It is also way easier to enforce, we don't want to be making criminals out of people over smoking.

Y'all must have no clue how big cigarette manufacturing is on Native Land.
Because of this (and maybe only this) the govt will NEVER ban butts.
Smoking isn't a right? Guess they better go back to prohibition too. :rolleyes:
You have the right to make the decision. It's part of being an adult.
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It's controlled because the greedy ass government has to get their hands in everything. Let them ban smoking altogether. That's really going to do anything.
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