The Nanny State Strikes Again

Motorcycle Mike

Well-known member
I don't even smoke, but this bothers me: Ontario Bans Smoking on Patios, for Christ's sake, I have been on patios less than 2m from the roadway with diesel trucks/buses and of course gasoline cars passing by. Is second hand smoke really than much worse than vehicle pollution? I can understand not allowing smoking inside -- I remember smokey bars without decent exhaust fans -- but banning smoking in outside areas?! Come on.

I really despise these governments that try to save everyone from themselves. Personal freedoms are eroding very fast.
I'm conflicted about it and I don't smoke. I think smoking is enough of a useless evil that I don't find this type of social engineering a big problem. I'm thinking most smokers come to a point where they wish they had never started. All the smokers I know seem to get by fine and even embrace restrictions eventually. I'm conflicted about this only from the slippery slope perspective.
A lot of municipalities already had a law like this in place, so it was more of a consistency/consolidation exercise.
my thing is, when I'm with friends , 98% of them are not smokers. I don't want to watch them gasp because the guys at the next table are smoking stinky cigs and I don't want to smell smoke in my dates hair at three am. When your having dinner with the packed patios on most fronts its just nasty and a few smokers really "cling" to their rights. If they were half assed civilized this law be unrequired.
Second hand smoke is well documented and lung cancer is a really horrible death, I watched my dad for a while.
I think the argument is patios are open air. Like smoking on the sidewalk with a fence.
My only question much did this crap cost the taxpayers?
Government need to clamp down to save the health care money. They might clamp down on motorcycles too because every year a few of them kill themselves
It's been this way in Calgary for a long time. I don't see the issue. Not everyone smokes. It's not government trying to save anyone from themselves.
It's been this way in Calgary for a long time. I don't see the issue. Not everyone smokes. It's not government trying to save anyone from themselves.

Is smoking not banned from places where second hand smoke couldn't possibly be an issue? If yes what would be the reason to ban it there?
Is smoking not banned from places where second hand smoke couldn't possibly be an issue? If yes what would be the reason to ban it there?

The children who may (or may not) be influenced. Yup. That's how the govt thinks.
Government need to clamp down to save the health care money. They might clamp down on motorcycles too because every year a few of them kill themselves

Do you have any stats on how much money is spent on corpses by health care services?
I'm good with it. Ban it altogether. I could careless.

That's the thing.. I'm a smoker and I'd be ok with a total ban.. The problem is that the politicians are using as as whipping boys, always passing these stupid laws just go get brownie points at our expense, but they'll never completely ban it because they are growing fat off the tax dollars that we bring in. Taxes on tobacco are over 1000% (yes 3 zeros), "to cover the increased medical expenses".. Funny part is that over lifetime, smokers cost LESS to care for because we die younger, so lower geriatric care bills.
The children who may (or may not) be influenced. Yup. That's how the Libtard govt thinks.

Corrected for factual accuracy :cool:
Corpses are cheap, living with problems is every insurance companies nightmare. There are some interesting studies on helmet less riding, you feel more vulnerable so you ride safer and if you crash, you have a high chance of dying. It's cheaper for the health insurance companies for people not to wear helmets.

The last time I sat at a patio, it was a miserable experience because of all of the smokers. At least 3 tables (8 people) stayed for 30 minutes to an hour after they were done eating chain smoking. . If smokers were not such self-entitled a holes (most not all) and had some consideration for others, they wouldn't keep getting regulations imposed on them.

The roc rides are similar, shoving your stupid behaviour down everybody's throats is what builds the swell required to start imposing more laws/limits on bikes. Keep the wheelies off the 401 and there won't be much press or concern.
The last time I sat at a patio, it was a miserable experience because of all of the smokers. At least 3 tables (8 people) stayed for 30 minutes to an hour after they were done eating chain smoking. . If smokers were not such self-entitled a holes (most not all) and had some consideration for others, they wouldn't keep getting regulations imposed on them.

Was it one of them super tight cheek to jowl T.O. patios? I get nothing but the odd whiff and I kinda like it. Very continental. It's not self-entitlement if it's legal, is it? As a former smoker I had no idea how vile second hand smoke could be in overdose quantities. Sorry to hear about your miserable experience. Anyway, now we have a law against that.
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