The Most Important Motorcycle of 2021 ?

sounds like your in the same boat as millennials then. (priced out)
I'm still long on real estate -- they aren't making more land but federal immigration goals are to add 400K+ to the population each year -- they gotta live somewhere.

It's hard to say whether real estate will take a hit if interest rates go up. Typically increases in prime leads to a reduction in house prices -- but that's not a certainty. My thinking is the higher-end (over $2M) residential and vacation properties will take a hit, lower-end real estate may go up as investors move to less risky smaller properties.
Any chance we can blame video games? If you grew up playing video games in the basement why bother with a messy "real life" motorcycle when you could just play a MC game? I've got VR why do I need reality?
No I don't game. And I don't think playing them qualifies as a sport. Esports what a joke.
Huge nerd here. Spent countless nights playing them. Built my own PC. I also played sports and still do (for about 9 months of the year on avg lol). Most of my motorcycle friends are gamers as well. And some are quite handy at tinkering on them too.
And we're in the millenial age range (in our 30s mostly) but we were also the generation that went from no internet to 14/28/56k modems all the way to 5G speeds in our hands.

"Kids these days" have a video game console (or more, esp if the parents play), an ipad, a laptop, streaming services and freaking youtube. A lot of entertainment at their fingertips and they can communicate with their friends easily. So the need to go out and find activities to get that endorphin boost is diminished. Things are expensive. Things can take a lot of effort comparatively to just staying in and playing video games. I get it.

But giving them so many easy options, the high risk/high reward ones are less appealing. Such as motorcycling.
I'm still long on real estate -- they aren't making more land but federal immigration goals are to add 400K+ to the population each year -- they gotta live somewhere.

It's hard to say whether real estate will take a hit if interest rates go up. Typically increases in prime leads to a reduction in house prices -- but that's not a certainty. My thinking is the higher-end (over $2M) residential and vacation properties will take a hit, lower-end real estate may go up as investors move to less risky smaller properties.
In more than one discussion with real estate people over the years they told me that people shop real estate by monthly payments. If they can afford the payments then they'll dive in. They said the value of the property will decrease a commensurate amount as interest rates rise.

Even the people who have more equity available to reduce their payment are affected by this but maybe not as much.
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