The marihuana and motorcycles thread.

I've owned two V'Stroms.

I'll be quiet now.

8 minutes to 4:20 on 4-20
How do you know if what you perceive is real? Do you really feel the tires gripping or are you just imagining it? Altered states can play tricks on you.
As for myself I have a weird reaction to weed. Two tokes and I enter in a major state of psychosis...
I prefer to be a passenger in a cage when I toke.. I still remember a few summers ago, I was collecting some water samples in the Rockies.. After 2 days of that, on the way back the boss-man and I toked some Alberta bud (it was way better than anything coming from BC that I've tried).. I saw all sorts of shapes in the glaciers, but the one I still remember was the angry smurf.
Scissor -- The ganj that you toked was probably laced with some bad stuff. Never buy off a punk street dealer. Find a home-based distributor. His customers knowing where he lives keeps him honest.
With that being said, I've never hopped onto a bike while stoned. Even when cagin' it, I'd wait until my head clears.

I think the whole thing about lacing weed is a huge misconception....When you think about it from a logical standpoint, what motivation would a dealer have for lacing weed? Secondly, what would they lace it with? That means on a per gram basis, it would cost them more to distribute weed laced with something, and why would they pay for that out of their own pocket?

It was his first time....He got really stoned....That's all. My girlfriend has smoked dozens of times, and she still just takes one puff and starts acting like she's nuts.

Some people just have a low tolerance.

The whole idea of "lacing" is just a misconception that a bunch of stoners came up with when they got really stoned. I know a few career drug dealers and there's absolutely no logical motivation to lace weed...Except to mess people up....But if they're your customers, why would you do that?
I personally feel that MJ and the operation of vehicles (or ovens/stoves/fryers/knives, for that matter :lol:) don't mix. You're just askin for trouble.
How do you know if what you perceive is real? Do you really feel the tires gripping or are you just imagining it? Altered states can play tricks on you.
As for myself I have a weird reaction to weed. Two tokes and I enter in a major state of psychosis...


It's weed...Not acid.
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I personally feel that MJ and the operation of vehicles (or ovens/stoves/fryers/knives, for that matter :lol:) don't mix. You're just askin for trouble.

I think it all depends on the person. I drive and ride stoned all the time...It usually makes me more cautious.

...I've also operated an oven...One time, I was making fries, and stupid me grabbed a dish towel instead of an oven mitt when I took the baking sheet out of the oven....It took me a full second before I could feel the intense searing pain.
Shane, you must be friendly with the mods, cause when I tried to introduce this topic it got shut down real quick...good job, it needs to be talked about.

Personally i think that weed is (or should be) a recreational thing and is best left for hanging out, not for transportation. I don't want to waste my high keeping focus on the road/surroundings, i'd much rather hang out and watch tv or play call of duty.

As far as safety while riding high, i would definitely agree that it doesn't help. Unless you're a career pothead (smoking every day all day while performing everyday tasks) who's been riding for a while, i doubt you are as good as you think you are. Not only are we (young males) already overly sure of our "skills," but we're hard-headed when it comes to advice that goes against what we think.

So while pot may not directly make riding unsafe, the many variables often do!

What i do think is simply stellar, and very safe, is smoking before/while bicycling on trails/bike paths!

btw Shane, i'm listening to your DarkAcidHouse set, good stuff!
"Back in the day" my brother used to ride motocross. So him and his buddies are out practicing one Saturday and they decide to see how much faster they could go if they smoked a bit. So they get out on the track and did a few laps. They all had the same experience. They thought they were really motorin' around like Roger Decoster (I told you it was back in the day) until they went to slow down to come off the track. Most of them were still in 1st or 2nd gear.
I personally feel that MJ and the operation of vehicles don't mix. You're just askin for trouble.


fact is THC is a psychoactive drug that alters perception and cognition which can negatively effect reaction time which, as we all know, can mean the difference between life and death.

fact is THC is a psychoactive drug that alters perception and cognition which can negatively effect reaction time which, as we all know, can mean the difference between life and death.

Same with lack of sleep.

Another fact is that different people respond to things differently.

Some people can smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day and still die of natural causes, but that doesn't mean it'll be the same for the next guy. It's true that cigarettes cause cancer, but they don't cause cancer in everyone.

When statistical data is released on drugs, the people issuing the facts always imply that it applies to everyone...Which it doesn't...Although I assume it would have to, since we aren't really supposed to be making exceptions for people.
Another fact is that different people respond to things differently.

Some people can smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day and still die of natural causes, but that doesn't mean it'll be the same for the next guy. It's true that cigarettes cause cancer, but they don't cause cancer in everyone.

When statistical data is released on drugs, the people issuing the facts always imply that it applies to everyone...Which it doesn't...Although I assume it would have to, since we aren't really supposed to be making exceptions for people.

apples and oranges.

cancer is a disease that take time to develop. a development which is based on any number of outside influences like genetics, that vary from person to person.

THC on the other hand is a chemical that binds with a receptors in our brains (and other body parts) that EVERYBODY has, which triggers certain reactions in the body that everybody (Except maybe the rare one in a billion type case) will be effected by

While it may effect everybody differently, we will all be effected, and from my years of experiences with potheads, pretty much all think they are "fine to drive/whatever", when they aren't, just like how a lot of drunk people think they are "fine to drive/whatever"
apples and oranges.

cancer is a disease that take time to develop. a development which is based on any number of outside influences like genetics, that vary from person to person.

THC on the other hand is a chemical that binds with a receptors in our brains (and other body parts) that EVERYBODY has, which triggers certain reactions in the body that everybody (Except maybe the rare one in a billion type case) will be effected by

While it may effect everybody differently, we will all be effected, and from my years of experiences with potheads, pretty much all think they are "fine to drive/whatever", when they aren't, just like how a lot of drunk people think they are "fine to drive/whatever"

Sure, but you're talking about the people that only think they're fine.

I'm talking about the people that actually are fine.

I know tons of people that are complete potheads...So much to the point that the only time they're sober is when they're sleeping. They've also never had car accidents, and nobody so much as even asks the question "are you ok to drive?" Some people just give off the idea that they're incapable of carrying out even the simplest tasks when they're stoned. Like my girlfriend...One puff that's barely enough to get a mouse high, and she's acting like she just took amphetamines.

While it may be true that weed affects everyone, so does age....So maybe it's fair to say that for some people, getting stoned and driving is no worse than an 80 year old man with slow reflexes driving.
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I know tons of people that are complete potheads...So much to the point that the only time they're sober is when they're sleeping. They've also never had car accidents, and nobody so much as even asks the question "are you ok to drive?" Some people just give off the idea that they're incapable of carrying out even the simplest tasks when they're stoned. Like my girlfriend...One puff that's barely enough to get a mouse high, and she's acting like she just took amphetamines.

That's a personal opinion. You can't claim that they are not effected because they appear fine and have never had an accident. If I got drunk everyday and got home safely I could argue that drinking and driving is fine.

I think Andrew978 makes a very valid point when he says potheads always think they're ok to drive, just like drunk drivers
That's a personal opinion. You can't claim that they are not effected because they appear fine and have never had an accident. If I got drunk everyday and got home safely I could argue that drinking and driving is fine.

I think Andrew978 makes a very valid point when he says potheads always think they're ok to drive, just like drunk drivers

I never said they weren't affected...I suggested that they're not affected to the same degree as everyone else, and therefore, can cope better with it.

Whenever someone wants to comment on driving ability in reference to substance usage, people always say "you might think they're ok, but just because they seem like they are, doesn't make it so."

That's a spruious argument at best.

By that logic, when are people ever ok? The same can be applied to when someone is sober as well. Just because someone is sober, doesn't mean they possess the ability to drive, but rather they think they can....But any number of things can affect a sober person's ability to drive. The problem with that is that we don't have a method of testing these other occurrences that might arise....And even if we did have a method to test them, it would infringe on basic human rights.

The conventional belief is that if a person smokes, he/she is not capable of driving....But if a person drives stoned his or her whole life, without ever causing a suspicion, has that person not proved that he/she is capable of doing so? If not...Who is going to say otherwise? It's like the tree falling in the woods analogy.

It's a moot point. It's like asking if a person drives stoned his/her whole life without incident....Was it ok? One could argue that it was ok because it was without incident, and another person might argue that it wasn't ok because it was tempting incident.

Frankly, It doesn't matter to me. If a person is incapable of driving stoned, it'll become obvious to him/herself or the public in any number of ways. If a person is more capable than the aforementioned person, it's possible that they could go their lives without incident.
apples and oranges.

cancer is a disease that take time to develop. a development which is based on any number of outside influences like genetics, that vary from person to person.

THC on the other hand is a chemical that binds with a receptors in our brains (and other body parts) that EVERYBODY has, which triggers certain reactions in the body that everybody (Except maybe the rare one in a billion type case) will be effected by

While it may effect everybody differently, we will all be effected, and from my years of experiences with potheads, pretty much all think they are "fine to drive/whatever", when they aren't, just like how a lot of drunk people think they are "fine to drive/whatever"

WOW ! AMAZING ! All these years NO ONE has been able to figure out the cause of cancer. All they had to do was ask YOU :)
Since we're talking about doing illegal things while riding? Has anyone tried to catch some tags while riding, I think you'd end up crashing trying to get the details in..
Frankly, It doesn't matter to me. If a person is incapable of driving stoned, it'll become obvious to him/herself or the public in any number of ways. If a person is more capable than the aforementioned person, it's possible that they could go their lives without incident.

That's the thing though, isn't it. That's why we have laws against drinking and driving, to prevent the worst from happening.

What would happen in that ONE instant they do get into an accident?
Would you argue "well, up until now they didn't have a problem?"

You are arguing that stoned people can drive fine aren't you?
You are arguing that stoned people can drive fine aren't you?

I think he is arguing that you can't define an individual driver like that. Sure someone could drive stoned just as well as another person drives sober. There are a lot of fatal accidents every year involving sober drivers. Couldn't one construe that many can't drive sober and increase the level of difficulty and requirements to get a license.

When I was younger I was an idiot and I took my driving test completely stoned. The license picture was hilarious but I did indeed pass a government sanctioned driving test while completely stoned. My tolerance is much much higher now and although I wouldn't drive stoned because I have too much to risk I do think I could easily pass a government license test stoned. What does that say about our system?
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