Wow that was stomach churning and I happen to be for spankings. But at that age, a mind is able to comprehend other forms of discipline. Spanking is a very simplistic form of discipline reserved for simpler minds (and not excessive beating like this!), and in the case of corporal punishment for the case of extremely stubborn minds (which are simple in their own right). My father used to spank me but at age 15, when I expected it, he changed his tactic and was just disgusted with me, too disgusted with my offence and maturity to use spanking. Instead he switched to a rationale based approach. Psychologically I noticed it had a much more profound effect on me at an age when the mind can understand the loss of respect of a parent. And as I recall even by age 12, the spank was less on the back side and more of a slap across the face or head; not to hurt but shock and stun.....(like "homie dont play dat").
The other issue I find with this video is that the father is losing his damn cool, cussing, threatening to punch her, mounting her!!!! WTF!!! This is beyond punishment or discipline...this isn't a tactic with an end goal to mofify behavior for the better of the is clearly a testosterone fueled male either flipping out or getting off and at a loss of sound tactic.
The mother achieves the result much better. 1 moderate spanking after getting the daughter to accept the punishment after ordering her maybe 3 or 4 times. Spanking is largely symbolic anyways, an act of kowtowing and obedience and submission. The father actually fails to submit the child and resorts to brute force which is completely uncalled for. The mother on the other hand submits the child with much less force or anger!
This judge showed a complete lack of judgement and strategy in dealing with a "rebelious" mind.
In the end the child suprisingly seems fine almost immediately after the lashing. As those of us who were spanked know....there comes a time when we can take the pain, and we play it up and fake the drama to give the parents the effect they are after. It is precisely at this point that the maturity of the mind no longer warrants or is effected in the same manner by reasonable physical punishment and a new tactic must be taken. After all, our bosses don't beat us, they fire us, then we are left to scramble in hard economic times to recover financially. A mature mind knows the outcome of loss of trust or respect of those who employ us.
If you have to whip a 16 year old with a belt over playing video games you have failed as a parent. Reserve that kind of extreme punishment after she stole your car and smashed into the neighbour's dog or something. What the hell does that guy have left in his discipline repetoire after that display....beating her unconcious?
That being said, the daughter is certainly playing a game now...she is taking some sort of revenge, and only exposing a small bias portion of what looks to be a family fued.
When I was a small child I went on the roof of my 3 storey house and a passer-by saw me, shreiked in fear and ran to my door to tell my grandfather who was home. He was an old school man, having been through 2 World Wars, and he beat me all the way down the 3 storeys. He demanded I return to the window on the roof, then spanked, slapped and pulled my ear all the way down. But what I noticed was that he took care not to have me stumble on the stairs. He was controlled. And he actually cried. At the ground floor he explained through his tears why he beat me, how he could never stand to see me die. He only beat me once...and it was a stern beating. But I would never ever ever hold that against him. In my memories it is actually one of the fondest memories I have. He really did get his correct loving point across and the impact was profound.
The judge in this video wasn't controlled and lacked care. But also the daughter was playing games and was clearly tech savvy. 7 years ago battery life on cameras wasn't as long as today, and she is full of **** to say that she set the camera up 30 mins before and "surprisingly" he came to beat her. Did she plan on running it for 24hrs every day in the hopes she might catch a beating? That's BS! She knew she was going to get a beating and set the camera up quick time before he came in. Even afterwards she is composed quite quickly. It appears to me that she played it up for effect, and more so knowing she had her father by balls at that point.
Personally I think there is a high degree of disfunction and breakdown in that family on all parties.