The first $100 oil change.

GP Bikes has a 4l jug of 10w-40 Liquid Moly fully synthetic for $50. 5w-40 is $48.

Seems like a good deal to me.

Just got a GP Bikes ad. 10w-40 for $49.95, full synthetic.

Seems like a good deal to me.
Does anybody understand the Liquid Moly lineup? They have like three-four different grades of "fully synthetic"
Does anybody understand the Liquid Moly lineup? They have like three-four different grades of "fully synthetic"

Product names mean nothing. Match the certifications/specifications to what's listed in your owner's manual. Out of all of them, there's only one that meets the VW specs for my kid's 2019 Jetta, so that's the one I got. It's not even the most expensive one, actually on the cheaper side.
I meant just their motorcycle oils
I think we all obsess too much over what oil to select. If your bike manual stipulates dino oil or mandates synthetic and you use a properly rated oil that is JASO MA or MA2 rated as per your manual and change oil and filter at the recommended intervals has anyone, anywhere, had an oil related engine failure?
I think we all obsess too much over what oil to select. If your bike manual stipulates dino oil or mandates synthetic and you use a properly rated oil that is JASO MA or MA2 rated as per your manual and change oil and filter at the recommended intervals has anyone, anywhere, had an oil related engine failure?
Every hyosung 250 and a batch of cbr125's. No oil could save them through. So your point about oil choice barely mattering remains valid.
For those that are not so picky about their oil or need a sacrificial oil change, Costco has a sale on the Kirkland brand. 1000025277.jpg
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