The end is nigh...


Well-known member
...from global warming.

On January 27th, 2006 Al Gore predicted that unless we spend all of our assets to combat Global Warming the world would end in ten years, scorched as described in Biblical texts after the complete melt down of the polar ice caps and ocean levels increasing by fifty to sixty feet.

So what are you going to do with your last 3 weeks?

As for Al I’ll make a prediction of my own – Forecast: Hot Air
It looks like Trudeau fixed global warming in two months. Temperature was very often above 10c in december, but $2.65B latter we are back to -10 and bellow. Bravo.
It looks like Trudeau fixed global warming in two months. Temperature was very often above 10c in december, but $2.65B latter we are back to -10 and bellow. Bravo.

Yes, Money well spent, and it didn't take him very long at all.
BTW. Al Gore's net worth climbed from $1.7mm after he left office to $200mm in 10 years :)

And yet the liberals are all for income redistribution and equality. Funny how that only seems to apply to "everybody else"......

And MMGW.... the biggest man made crock of buffalo biscuits to tax and control the masses........
Global climate change is a fact. It's the government and corporate solutions that are fiction.
You remember this:

70's - Global cooling - World is going into a new Ice age
80's - Ozone layer holes will wipe out all life on Earth by early 2000's
90's - Mix of catastrophic solar flares & Earth pole shifting will destroy the planet
2000's - Global warming caused by humans and uncontrollable CO2 emissions
And yet the liberals are all for income redistribution and equality. Funny how that only seems to apply to "everybody else"......

And MMGW.... the biggest man made crock of buffalo biscuits to tax and control the masses........

The thing that gets me about all of this is the hypocrisy. It's well documented that Al Gore has the carbon footprint of a small hamlet and David Suzuki is not far behind him. David owns four homes and has invested in a development property in a pristine area of BC jointly with an oil and gas company.

I use to ride past his main home in Kitsilano. Its overlooking the Yacht Club and English bay on a double lot. It must be at least 10,000 square foot and in that area I would assume it has be worth close to 10 million if not more.

I guess condemning and vilifying other peoples excess is fine, just as long as they don't have to make personal sacrifices themselves :)
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I order for me to make $ I need to throw my moral values out the window
And yet the liberals are all for income redistribution and equality. Funny how that only seems to apply to "everybody else"......

And MMGW.... the biggest man made crock of buffalo biscuits to tax and control the masses........

Science is fun...try it sometime.
Science is fun...try it sometime.
Science cannot prove anything here. We only started to record temperature for the last 100 something years. The earth is over a couple billion years old.

Plus the earth goes through heating & cooling phases. If we were alive when the last ice age was around we would say it was global warming when it was heating up. Last winter was brutal, we didn't say it was global warming.

The environment of the earth is not static. It is ever changing. In the first billion years it went from CO2 rich to O2 rich. If I am not mistaken the earth used to be colder than what it used to be now. How are we supposed to know if the earth is warming up on it's own?
Science cannot prove anything here. We only started to record temperature for the last 100 something years. The earth is over a couple billion years old.

Plus the earth goes through heating & cooling phases. If we were alive when the last ice age was around we would say it was global warming when it was heating up. Last winter was brutal, we didn't say it was global warming.

The environment of the earth is not static. It is ever changing. In the first billion years it went from CO2 rich to O2 rich. If I am not mistaken the earth used to be colder than what it used to be now. How are we supposed to know if the earth is warming up on it's own?

Agreed. I try to explain this to people but before I can make my point clear they blast me for being an enemy of mother nature who is trying to justify pollution. The propaganda machine has done it's job and made a belief in global warming synonymous with being "the good guys".
Agreed. I try to explain this to people but before I can make my point clear they blast me for being an enemy of mother nature who is trying to justify pollution. The propaganda machine has done it's job and made a belief in global warming synonymous with being "the good guys".

Of course, people are being conditioned and told what to think ... TeeVee is a one powerful box
So...there's no way at all that we can have altered the way that carbon is captured and released by nature? You see trees and plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis which then gets incorporated or fixed into the plant or tree. When the plant or tree dies that carbon is slowly released again as part of a natural process. You don't think that humans may have changed this process a little by rapidly burning as much of the trapped "fixed" carbon in oil and gas as we can in recent history? Odd. I do.
...from global warming.

On January 27th, 2006 Al Gore predicted that unless we spend all of our assets to combat Global Warming the world would end in ten years, scorched as described in Biblical texts after the complete melt down of the polar ice caps and ocean levels increasing by fifty to sixty feet.

So what are you going to do with your last 3 weeks?

As for Al I’ll make a prediction of my own – Forecast: Hot Air

It appears as though Al Gore never said anything like that. Rather, Rush Limbaugh, bastion of unbiased information, claims through an undisclosed source a quote from someone who overheard a friend of Gore's casually described him as believing in a 10-year "frying pan" scenario.

At one point Rush had a doomsday clock on his site. Removed now, likely as a result of threats of litigation. The GW deniers have posted a screenshot here along with attendant tin foil hattery;

Since Gore never said any such thing (that we know of), Rush used the date of his post as the start day for the countdown. If Gore ever said any such thing, the 10 year countdown is likely over already.

But don't let me ruin your end of days party. Carry on...
So...there's no way at all that we can have altered the way that carbon is captured and released by nature? You see trees and plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis which then gets incorporated or fixed into the plant or tree. When the plant or tree dies that carbon is slowly released again as part of a natural process. You don't think that humans may have changed this process a little by rapidly burning as much of the trapped "fixed" carbon in oil and gas as we can in recent history? Odd. I do.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we are not causing an effect. But I am not saying it is a major effect as how some claim it to be.

To answer your questions, plants on land bearly contribute to the CO2 uptake. It is the phytoplankton & algae in the ocean that converts a large portion of the CO2. After all the ocean makes up more than 70% the surface of the earth.

Plus if the temp of the earth is increasing so should the process of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature & concentration of CO2.

I believe the only solution to global warming is the reduction of the human population or keep it consistant. You won't believe the carbon footprint of 1 person living in the developed world.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we are not causing an effect. But I am not saying it is a major effect as how some claim it to be.

To answer your questions, plants on land bearly contribute to the CO2 uptake. It is the phytoplankton & algae in the ocean that converts a large portion of the CO2. After all the ocean makes up more than 70% the surface of the earth.

Plus if the temp of the earth is increasing so should the process of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature & concentration of CO2.

I believe the only solution to global warming is the reduction of the human population or keep it consistant. You won't believe the carbon footprint of 1 person living in the developed world.

What about past plant life from the last millions of years present as compressed layers of fossil fuels, gas deposits (from decay) etc. I'm not talking about current living plants. You can't ignore the fact that these previously encapsulated layers aren't releasing carbon in the form of co2 naturally and slowly anymore. We have increased technology to reach difficult to access deposits of these fuels and as we burn them we release the fixed carbon much faster than natural release. Our planet has a pretty finely balanced bunch of variables in order to sustain life and has been doing pretty well for a while but you can't upset the balance too much without there being consequences. Add to this that we are deforesting the planet at a pretty constant rate too so that the released CO2 can't be absorbed as fast either. Where does it go? It can be absorbed by water....but when it is it turns that water more acidic. Oceans are finely balanced too...acidify them too much and you lose species. You see where this is going?
So...there's no way at all that we can have altered the way that carbon is captured and released by nature? You see trees and plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis which then gets incorporated or fixed into the plant or tree. When the plant or tree dies that carbon is slowly released again as part of a natural process. You don't think that humans may have changed this process a little by rapidly burning as much of the trapped "fixed" carbon in oil and gas as we can in recent history? Odd. I do.

Not to stick my nose in the middle of your debate but I just want to point out that your response is typical of what I was describing. Why is it that not blindly buying into "global warming" means that I must believe humans aren't having any effect on our environment? At least for me it's quite the opposite. I just don't think there's compelling enough evidence to support the notion of "global warming" as an imminent threat. Doesn't mean I don't care. My beef is with this questionable claim not the idealism behind it (unless that idealism is money).
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