The cost of risk.

First of all, let me clarify to you: I do not come from Russia, Russian is not my native tongue, and I only know it because I was born in an ex-socialist country and was required to study it 1-6th grade. However, I love vodka.

Now---are all of these accidents caused by stupidity? Or by vodka? I wouldn't say so. You've obviously spent the majority or all of your life driving on our nicely marked, wide multi-lane roads. Back in Eastern-Europe that luxury does not exist on most secondary roads. Also not all cars are equal, many are very old. On an 80km/h road, you'll frequently catch up with many vehicles barely pushing 60. So what you do---you pass, and you pass, and you pass, and that is how you move. It's part of driving.

What's the point of the thread? I'll tell you after you explain what's the point of this thread:

I drove in Poland in a crap box that couldn't pass worth crap but could still go fast enough that I'd catch up to people that I wanted to pass. What did I do? I waited for a clear portion and passed safely. It's not hard.
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