The Contest Thread

Oh oh. I may have created a monster! ^^^^^

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
CONTEST ALERT: Enter to Win an ICAR Mirabel Driving Experience to be held September 29-October 1, 2017 in Bowmanville, Ontario at The Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. Value of $199. Contest ends September 22, 2017.
Enter Here:
*referral link

*** Contest Ended ***
sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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Recent wins include a golf 4some at Meadowbrook G&CC (how tf am I going to see the ball???)
And a $125 usd gc for any hotel worldwide. I didn't even enter that one.....I was tagged by @Marbles999 and because she won, I won too!!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
The text to win prize this week is tix to see Volta if anyone is interested. Pm me

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Win a completely rebuilt 1968 Jeep Commando in......PURPLE! (I soooo want this!)

Multiple Entries Ends 12/22/17
**referral link

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Just a reminder...
I ask all posters to please occasionally go back and edit contest posts when they are over. Thanks and good luck!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Added an edit to this thread's op, if you are interested.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Doing another edit to my Text to Win group this week, so if you want in, pm me your cell # Or pm me if you want details.
4 ppl from our group won $100 olg gift cards THIS WEEK!
'Most' contests are gta
I have some open to Ottawa and some to London as well

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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*** EXPIRED ***

Win a Samsung SmartHub fridge worth $7k!
Multiple Entries Ends 10/30/17
Referral link: *

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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Win $5k worth of Torly's cork flooring!

Multiple Entries Ends 11/30/17
Referral link:

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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