The Contest Thread

Win a KTM 250 valued at $20k!
Single entry ends Sept 30 / 16

**Please note:
Not accepting full postal code on entry form, I will email them sometime this week
Edit: they should have the issue corrected by tomorrow. If you have already entered, those entries will be valid.

** * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
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Win a trip for 4 to Jamaica!
Daily entry Ends Oct 31 / 16
Referral link :
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
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Win a trip for 2 to Paris!
Single entry ends Sept 30 / 16
Referral link :
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
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I can't believe there's so many contests ongoing! Anyone win anything from all these pages??
I can't believe there's so many contests ongoing! Anyone win anything from all these pages??
There are 100s posted everyday. I only share a smidgen of what I enter as I try to put some popular items/ low entry ones here.
So far @boots won the Samsung gear watch from a contest he posted. I have a group of 18 that I share text to win contests daily with. At least 5 of us have won a prize, 3 of us multiple times.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
There are 100s posted everyday. I only share a smidgen of what I enter as I try to put some popular items/ low entry ones here.
So far @boots won the Samsung gear watch from a contest he posted. I have a group of 18 that I share text to win contests daily with. At least 5 of us have won a prize, 3 of us multiple times.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk

Could be a fun and good use of some spare time! Do you find a lot of spam and calls after you use your number and email fo so many contests?
Could be a fun and good use of some spare time! Do you find a lot of spam and calls after you use your number and email fo so many contests?
I use an old, secondary email. The filters are pretty good for spam, but many contests require you to sign up for a newsletter so you get a lot of email. I go through it quickly and clear it out. I use my home phone # and I still use an answering machine to screen my calls. Haven't noticed an increase in the usual duct cleaning calls.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
So since I started my text to win info texts back in ~March, I have won 4 prizes, one guy on my list had won 3 prizes and one guy has won once.
I have about 10 people on this text list so far. Will probably cut it off at 20 (because I don’t know how to send a multi text to more than 20 people).
If you want in. Pm me your cell #

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
1 spot left.
(Unless someone can tell me how to save a group contact with more than 20 members on Android)

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Win a ride on the Goodyear Blimp + 5000 Air Miles!
Daily entry Ends Aug 31 / 16
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
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Motor heads : there's a TSN text to win contest for passes for the NASCAR Chevy 250
Text the word SPEED + your name to 105050
You can enter 50x each day.
This and many more text contests available on my text to win group.
PM cell # to join ☺

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Motor heads : there's a TSN text to win contest for passes for the NASCAR Chevy 250
Text the word SPEED + your name to 105050
You can enter 50x each day.
This and many more text contests available on my text to win group.
PM cell # to join ☺

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
I don't know which one I'd rather sit through. The pitbull concerts or a nascar race.
I don't know which one I'd rather sit through. The pitbull concerts or a nascar race.
How about a NASCAR race that has Pitbull performing at?
Mr 305

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
For the Costco members out a Fusion...

Limit of 31 entries (which you need to sign up for various things for additional entries).

End date 30-Sep-16.
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