The Contest Thread

Panago Pizza just sent me coupons for free pizza for tweeting them.
And just won a text to win contest from Virgin 999 -- 4 tix to the bicycle show and a 26" Opus Sonar hardtail mountain bike!

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Just won 6 passes to SkyZone Vaughan. My boys and nieces are gonna love it!

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Just won tickets to tonight's Leaf game!

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Just won a seriously cool prize -- 4 tix to Peter Pan in Wonder Land PLUS my 4 year old gets a walk on part in the show!

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Just won dvd set of Vikings on Twitter. It's been a while.
Edit: just arrived via FedEx

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Just won tickets to WWE @ Ricoh!

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Are you entering any?
Won a cd the other night. Yes, I still like cds

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Won 4 tickets to Supercross off Twitter.

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Just wanted to quote these, not to brag or to boast, but to show you guys/ gals that people are winning prizes. Those big ticket items have yet to come my way, but I remain hopeful! Keep on entering!
And please post if you've won anything, especially if it's from a link you got here☺
And fyi, the bicycle is for sale. Posted in classifieds here.

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Won a $100 gc for Panera Bread from ChumFM last week.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Won a $100 gc from Virgin radio yesterday.
And win a $10 Tims gc from Yak today.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
You gotta be kidding me, how do you win all this stuff
You gotta be kidding me, how do you win all this stuff
I enter A LOT of contests. And like I preach: 1. read the rules
2. Share the contests
1 -- many contests, like the text to win contests, you can enter 50x a day. Many people don't bother to read the rules to find that out. I do
2 -- give and you shall receive. I spread the word all the time. When I won the Panera bread contest, I was showing a co worker how to enter that very contest.
Oh, and enter regularly.
Look through this thread, I've given out a bunch of tips. Or pm me anytime.
My buddy started entering the same contests. He went to 4 Leaf games this year. Didn't pay for 1.
Like I've said before: if I don’t win, at least I can help someone win.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Win a $300 RW & Co gc + a signed Subban jersey!

Single entry ends Apr 30/16
Referral link :
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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Picked up some prizes today ☺

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Win Raptors playoff tickets!

Daily entry Ends Apr 25/16
Referral link :
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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If you want in on my daily text on text in to win contests, pm me your cell number. That's how I won the Panera bread and McDonald's gift cards.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Win a Mother's day prize from Chop Steakhouse worth $3600
Daily entry (every 24 hrs)
Ends May 4/16
* * * contest ended * * *
Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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