Thank you gtam for not selling out

Did Paul retire...?
Yes. He wanted to spend his time doing other things. I bought him out in 2021. He still pops in from time to time and helps me with certain things if I'm really stuck. :)
If you turn on the auto deposit would make it much easier to send an e transfer without a security question

Sent from the future
I've been able to set this up and ensure only the etransfer from are auto accepted. No more need for passwords.

Thank you again for your very generous donation.
Can’t remember the last time I became a site supporter. Sent an e-transfer and email. Use the funds to keep this place going or take it or a portion for ride for sight. up to you.

If I remember correctly, there was a site supporter link. Didn’t see it on my tablet view?

Maybe have annual dues or hot link?
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