Texas Trooper karate kicks rider off his motorcycle

I get your frustration and, dare I say, anger. If it was for me to decide I'd want to choke him to death. The guy running the stop might be the catalyst for the extended high speed chase but it's up to the cop whether to ramp it up or not. Think of risk/reward, the risk being, as an innocent bystander, you get shot or run down. So the odd guy gets away? Big deal. Rejig the legislation to make flight more serious or some other strategy but multiple frenzied cops shootin' and running mega speed and then drop kicking a surrendering perp is just too much fun at the citizens expense.

How do you rejig legislation to adequately deal with this kind of idiocy?

People here complain about the nanny state trying to protect people from themselves, but it is also the nanny state that prevents dangerous idiots like this from being stopped.

The really stupid part about this is that there are those here who think it was great what this guy did and that he got away.
How do you rejig legislation to adequately deal with this kind of idiocy?

People here complain about the nanny state trying to protect people from themselves, but it is also the nanny state that prevents dangerous idiots like this from being stopped.

The really stupid part about this is that there are those here who think it was great what this guy did and that he got away.

Easy: You let the guy go, as they did:

"Sgt. Bill Parmar says the incident began on Feb. 20 at about 1:30 p.m. when RCMP received calls from a nearby detachment about a -motorcyclist driving in a reckless manner and heading into Surrey.

He says an officer followed the motorcyclist into the Guildford Town Centre parking lot and chased him on foot when he entered the mall.

As the biker rode southeast toward Langley at a high speed, RCMP decided to call off the chase to avoid further danger to the public, Parmar says.

“The vehicle was driving in such a dangerous manner that the duty officer of the day made a decision to back off the police units,” he says, adding that air units were still used.

A motorcycle matching the description was later found abandoned in a wooded area near Langley. The motorcycle had earlier been reported stolen in Nanaimo, B.C., Parmar adds."

No legislation is going to prevent every possible thing from happening. But it can be used to ensure police don't amplify the risk to society through the use of needless, protracted pursuits and gunfire in urban areas to stop a guy on a stolen motorcycle or who'd just run a stop sign.
How do you rejig legislation to adequately deal with this kind of idiocy?

If caught make the penalty severe. That biker had the choice to stop or not. Punish him for making the wrong choice. DO NOT send ten squad cars at break neck speed guns a blazin into the mall thank you very much. Life is not a movie.:happy1:
There's paranoid and there's unjustified.

Better be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

There is so much more to be told than what is ever seen in a video like this. All that this thread is, is arm-chair quarterbacking. Sigh... at the end of the day, the way our society & media is and how ignorant it has made the public is amazing. Also, The US is a different beast, quite different than Canada.
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If caught make the penalty severe. That biker had the choice to stop or not. Punish him for making the wrong choice. DO NOT send ten squad cars at break neck speed guns a blazin into the mall thank you very much. Life is not a movie.:happy1:

Easier said than done. The mantra here on this site is that with helmet on they can't identify you so just run and claim ignorance later even if the bike's plate is read by the cops.

I'd go if the plate and bike description can be identified, the bike goes straight into seizure until the owner can make a case to the courts why it should be released.
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