Terrible Long Weekend Ride


Well-known member
I would like to share the crappy riding experience I just had this afternoon, First my girlfriend and I are riding down the 404, when a car realizes he needs to take the Steeles exit and swerves across 3 lanes of traffic, nearly smashing us. Instead of at least hitting the gas and getting off the highway, the jackass pretty much stops in the far right lane. I managed to brake in time and swerve to avoid him.
Then, I go to check my blindspot on my left, and my G9 Scala somehow flies off my helmet (i guess with the force of me checking my shoulder). What an expensive piece of garbage!
Assuming you used the bolting system....how did you lose the scale entirely?

Or did it just come loose - as that is a common problem and the bolts need tightening from time to time - I put tape over them to prevent them backing out.
The bolting attachment stayed fixed to the helmet. It was the actual intercom portion that flew off. We were talking one minute and the next the conversation was over, because it landed on the Gardiner I think,
wow that's crazy given how interlocked that is - must have clipped something on your shoulder......that;s bad Karma :(
At least you weren't hit by that crazy driver. I would consider the scala a cheap sacrifice as compared to if you and your girlfriend were taken out.
Last season I had my rear seat cowl fly off on the Gardiner...I didn't really give a **** about the cowl because its replaceable but my $300 limited edition Oakleys also went flying. I went back for them and actually found them next to the guardrail but all the way on the other side from the shoulder. Needless to say after all that trouble I wasn't just going to leave them...I Frogger'd my *** across 4 lanes of highway and made it back with both :p
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