TD Insurance

My issue with TD is their rates to add theft to my policy.

They were cheaper than SF until theft was added to both, then SF was much cheaper.

<----SS bike

Insurance companies must not like where you live. Comprehensive (including fire/theft) for my bike is only $90.
well for me they are the cheapest...43, single female, M2 as of May 16, 2011...for a kawasaki vulcan 500 with full coverage they quoted me $651 for the quoted me $1550...check them out...
I was quoted way out of line with Primmum. I got my M1 more than a year ago, and my M2 is nearing 11 months. Jevco considers your M1 licensing date, and my rate is $1409 on a 250R. Because I'm a month shy of my M2 anniversary, TD was going to charge me $2311. That's insane! In a month's time, this drops to $1318 for the same policy I have with Jevco, but I had to turn them down because I wasn't going to sit around in nice weather or ride without insurance. They need to reconsider their views on this. If anyone is interested, it's for a downtown address with a clean record, 23 years old for liability and comp.
just got off the phone wit a TD rep.

They don't touch bikes over 30 years old.

Just a heads up.
I am waiting another week for a major to fall off my license and then I will call TD.
They had given me a great quote a few months ago until they realized I have a major already.
It's ok, one week to go. I still got a great price with Cornerstone despite my record.
By october I will have one minor left. Woot! It pays off to behave on the streets. :)
I agree TD is stepping it up.
My car is insured with TD Meloche Monnex, but my moto is with SF, which is about 40% less.

Either way, I feel like crying everytime I think about insurance, what it entails, and how it feels laws are against everyone when it comes to insurance :(
I have been with TD MM with the past 3 bikes that I had. I simply could not find a cheaper price anywhere. Statefarm was close for my aprilia shiver, but they wanted me to send them pictures of the bike and other crap which made it too inconvinient for me. So I just went with TD. I wish TD had 12 monthly payments and not just thier pay as you ride.
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