It's worth giving them a call. I just got my TD renewal notification and they increased me from $856 to $1400 on my 2011 DD 750. I called and they gave me some line about how since the weather is warmer the riding season is longer and thus they need more premium, I politely said I thought that was insane and that I wouldn't be renewing. The agent then asked me all the standard questions for obtaining insurance again, which he already knew the answers to, and said "oh, I found a bunch of deductions you qualify for and have got your quote down to a dollar less than last year so you're at $855." So I think this is basically an idiot tax where if you're dumb enough to renew without calling in to ***** about it they'll gladly take your money. A quick phone call saved me close to $600 or the hassle of setting up insurance somewhere else. If they're trying to bend you over give them a quick call, I was literally on the phone all of 5 minutes.