TD Insurance (Bike Only)


Well-known member
Looking to change insurance companies as 'State Farm' has jacked up my insurance too much with out cause. No tickets or offenses, clean license. Called TD the other day and got a great rate for my 08 CBR600rr. Really just looking for feed back, are they decent to deal with, do the rates jump up after the first year they have signed you on etc.
Looking to change insurance companies as 'State Farm' has jacked up my insurance too much with out cause. No tickets or offenses, clean license. Called TD the other day and got a great rate for my 08 CBR600rr. Really just looking for feed back, are they decent to deal with, do the rates jump up after the first year they have signed you on etc.
Rates shouldn't jump extreme amounts for no reason, I would ask them to print off a detailed report on your previous year and this year and ask them to show you where and why it went up.
I ended up calling them and basically this "rate increase" with in the last 2 years was caused by inflation. Always though i was paying a little too much just never got off my a** to fix the issue.
I recently changed from State Farm to TD... Experience has been good so far...

Keep in mind that TD charges their premiums over 6 or 7 months as opposed to 12 for State Farm. So a $1200 per year premium would be $100 per month with State Farm and $200 for 6 months with TD.
Switched everything over to TD last year. Between bikes, cars, and properties I save about $2000/year. Someone backed into my bike last year and they were fine to deal with. No complaints.
I've been with TD since spring 2012. Have been quite satisfied. No big bumps in rates. Went from a Ninja 250 to a GSXF650 and the bump in rates was very small. Customer service has been great, but I've only called in three times.
Been with TD for 4 years, since then the rates have gone up 20%, but still less than what Kingsway offered my in 2010. Can not comment on services, since I have had no claims. Premiums are indeed split up into 7 months for 12 months coverage, if you like to pay monthly.
I was with state farm for years, switched to TD after since they offered an alumni discount which ended up saving me a ton. I have stuck with TD for the last few years and haven't had a problem yet. My rates haven't gone up too much maybe 10% in the last 3-4 years.
Switched everything over to TD last year. Between bikes, cars, and properties I save about $2000/year. Someone backed into my bike last year and they were fine to deal with. No complaints.

Not sure if there is any discount of bundling a bike.

Cars and properties, yes, I save a significant amount. But there was no reduction when I wanted to add bikes. So ultimately went with the cheapest option.
I used to change insurance companies on my bike every year cos I always found someone cheaper.

fast forward, and I've just renewed my bike insurance yet again with TD, going on 3 years in a row with them.

Also added one of my personal vehicles, and house for a discount, and my wife belongs to an organization that TD recognizes for further discount.

For "me", nobody could touch their rates for bike or house. On my SUV, they were only $100 cheaper than my former insurance, but still cheaper and offered more coverage.

On top of all this, they allow you to pay by credit card, so I get bonus points to boot.

Haven't had to make a claim yet, so can't comment on this. but so far so good with TD.
Well i certainly appreciate all the feed back. It's always go to throw a few questions out there before making the switch over.

Thanks again
TD has been trying to penetrate the market last few years but I don't know if the cheap rates will last for long.
There's no such thing as cheap and insurance in onterrible. TD is just the lesser of evils for me. Sf was a blatant rip off compared to TD prices.
I ended up calling them and basically this "rate increase" with in the last 2 years was caused by inflation. Always though i was paying a little too much just never got off my a** to fix the issue.

So they say. Anecdotal evidence shows that rates are rising at MUCH more than 2%/year. And at that, only the numbers of their profit actually need to grow that much.

Limits stay the same year to year, so one could assume that, on average, payouts are the same over a number of years. That means that premiums shouldn't change at all, except for the fact that the company's profit at least needs to grow with inflation. So, 12% profit, on x revenue, means that each year, rates should increase by x*0.0024. That means a premium of $3000/year, should be no more than $3007.20 the next year. In 20 years, assuming limits stay the same, that same premium (someone at that age, on that bike, etc) should be no more than $3154.88. You can bet your *** it'll be more like $6000
Rates on my 2012 GSXR 600 went DOWN this year..... I'm paying less for this bike than I was for a 2003 SV650.
However my SUV and house insurance went up slightly.
I was with state farm for years, switched to TD after since they offered an alumni discount which ended up saving me a ton. I have stuck with TD for the last few years and haven't had a problem yet. My rates haven't gone up too much maybe 10% in the last 3-4 years.

How much (percentage?) was the alumni or group discount?
Kingsway screwed me over last year due to a mistake the ministry made. I ended up calling TD and was amazed by the service. gave me the benefit of the doubt with the ministry fiasco, and when it was straightened out I was good to go. I went down over $200 on what is an already reasonable rate. (Less than $400 a year now.) I even got the alumni discount based my girlfriends education. (Of course we live together.)

Anyway, so far so good. And the payments are over 8 months. (March to October.)
I've been with Primmum (now TD) for about 12 years. Their premiums back then were the cheapest, and I believe they still are quite reasonable today. I had a claim about 3 years ago and they were great to deal with. I have no hesitation in recommending them.
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