Tat Removal

Of course there are lots of psychological studies that correlate low self esteem with the moment of getting the tattoo (and in some cases just that moment). In some cases the self esteem gets a bump (due to attention etc. the new tattoo gets) and then it becomes a matter of "hording". Just an FYI, many HR departments buy into this.

This does not apply to everyone of course, specially paratroopers that have "death from above...". it is all about context and volume.

I see tattoo removal as being big business in the future, I am sure they will get better at it as the need continues to grow (new technology). Easiest method is just wear clothes that cover it if you don't like it anymore and wait for the new technology. I also know people who just got a new tattoo over the old, I could not tell the old one was ever there.
There's also a product you can buy at most reputable tattoo shops called "FadePlex".
Takes a long time (i.e. says results start showing in about 3 months depending on colours used and size of tattoo) to work. Think it's apply daily, scrub with loofah etc...

Much cheaper than laser too...
Anyone done it? Laser abrasion?

Did it work? And, how much it did it cost?

I'm in the process of getting two removed right now... I'm doing the laser treatment and its not as painful as everyone says. You can get different packages and pricing but generally costs about $150 per session for 2x2 inches and you need about 8 sessions.If you get a package you can get a session for a lot less. Keep in mind it depends on how old it is, what colors you have in the tattoo and your skin type etc. Mine are fading away nicely and you generally have to do the sessions 8 weeks apart. It takes time but you lived with it for so long that i don't think a few extra months will bother you that much.

Another method I have looked into is excision its more extreme and you will have scaring because the surgeon is actually cutting that piece of skin out and stitching you back together you have to get anesthesia. But that is a one time appointment and its guaranteed to remove it. Its pretty pricey as well and it depends on the area that you wanna get done and if you actually have enough lose skin there. Only works on smaller pieces. I only know of one doctor that does these in the GTA.
Read an interview with Mark Walberg, he's on laser session number 18 to get rid of his Tats, he makes his kids go and watch so they know what they may be getting into.

I think tats look great, on somebody else....
I think of what I want and wait a few years before getting it. That way I'm sure I am putting something on that I love. My first one is 8 years old and I still love it. Just needs to be retouched as it is fading but other than that I wouldn't change a thing or regret any of my tats. I also thought long and hard of where they would go as depedning on what I am wearing or what mood I'm in they can easily covered.
I don't think I'll get tattoo removal even if I started to regret my tattoos...I put all mine in places that are covered most months out of the year so I'm good :D
One day everybody with tatoos will wake up and think "WTF is all this **** all over me?" And perhaps it would be nice to get a job with a T4 slip.

So I asked a dermatologist which companies make tattoo removal equipment - the next Microsoft I figured. He said that there are no really good ways to get them off. Laser is only OK on some colours and not others. Tearing off a patch of skin off leaves a mess.

Which brings me to some advice my dad gave me when I was very young. Out of nowhere, when I was about 12 years old he says "Never get a tatoo." It had never occurred to me but I asked why not? He said:

[1] it's permanent

and if that's not enough and it should be enough,

[2] you can never disappear if you ever have to. You're permanently identifiable.
One day everybody with tatoos will wake up and think "WTF is all this **** all over me?" And perhaps it would be nice to get a job with a T4 slip.

So...according to you everyone with tattoos is a misfit who can't hold down a normal 9-5 job?...

^ no not at all. Depends how many and where. I was talking loose.

But if you have enough of them you can't even get into the military fyi.
Here's the answer; so depends on the tattoo. Nothing can go on the face, no piercings anywhere, and they obviously have discretion about what may 'reflect discredit on the CF':

"Tattoos & Piercings

CF policy regarding tattoos allows for applicants who have a non-offensive tattoo (or tattoos) on the neck and other exposed surfaces (except the face) to be enrolled without the requirement to remove the tattoo(s). The CF Recruiting Centre you deal with can recommend your enrolment if you are found suitable in all other areas.

Any visible tattoo(s) that could be deemed to be offensive (i.e. pornographic, blasphemous, racist or containing vulgar language or design) or otherwise reflect discredit on the CF remains unacceptable.

Members either in uniform or on duty in civilian clothing shall not wear visible and non-visible body piercing adornments, with the exception of women’s earrings and ear sleepers."

from http://www.forces.ca/en/page/faq-101

I would also guess (just a guess) that a tattoo would disqualify you from JTF or other specialized forces since you are too easily identified.

Also if you had a lot of visible tattoos it may disqualify you from peacekeeping assignments to places where the local culture wasn't hip.
I have tattoos.. I guess my T4 is a fake.
I have tattoos.. I guess my T4 is a fake.


I bet you kick kittens on weekends and club baby seals on statutory holidays.
I even sue them afterwards for getting my shoe/club dirty.

I like the cut of your jib, good sir, I'd like to subscribe to your way of life.
Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal & Fade System reviewed at Amazon by "Amy L. Brown":

I bought this for my wife who wanted to remove a tattoo from just above her buttocks. I believe they call it a tramp stamp. The tattoo said "Ronnie", which is the name of one of her ex boyfriends. So you can understand how I decided to spend the money on getting that damn tattoo removed.

My wife didn't really want to get the tattoo removed. Although she denied it, I think she was still into this "Ronnie" character. She would always visit him in jail, as well as send him letters and pictures.

So I found this product at a local Wegmans. I didn't tell my wife what it was, instead explaining to her that it was tattoo enhancement cream. I told her it would sting a little, but that was just the stuff doing its job.

Now, you have to understand that my wife is a big girl. Let's just say that she constantly wears jogging pants and refers to them as them as her pants. So she couldn't really see the tattoo herself. Even when she tried to use a mirror, it was hard to make out. So I thought everything would turn out okay.

Well, the cream worked. Every evening I would apply the cream for her, telling her that the tattoo was looking better and better. When in fact it was fading more and more. I told her that the micro dermabrasion thingy was actually a tattoo polisher. And so I would spend a good 15 minutes every night grinding away at that damn tattoo. And it was almost gone entirely.

Then Ronnie got out of jail. It turns out my suspicions were correct. My wife still had a thing for him. I came home from work one evening to find Ronnie and my wife hanging out on the couch. And boy did they look ******. And Ronnie was a pretty tough looking guy.

Apparently, and I'm not trying to insinuate anything here, somehow Ronnie had noticed the now bare space just above my wife's buttocks and had asked her about it. And now he was ****** off because he had bought her the tattoo to begin with. And she was ****** off as well because I had tricked her into having her tattoo removed.

Long story short, I had the option of getting my ass kicked, or of buying a new tattoo. So we went to the tattoo place, shelled out the cash for a new tattoo, and winced the entire time as Ronnie and my wife watched me get the words "Ronnie's *****" tattooed on my chest.

Since then my wife has kicked me out. And Ronnie is now living in my house. And me, I'm on my second tube of wrecking balm tattoo fade system. I can't tell you enough how much I like this product.
Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal & Fade System reviewed at Amazon by "Amy L. Brown":

I bought this for my wife who wanted to remove a tattoo from just above her buttocks. I believe they call it a tramp stamp. The tattoo said "Ronnie", which is the name of one of her ex boyfriends. So you can understand how I decided to spend the money on getting that damn tattoo removed.

My wife didn't really want to get the tattoo removed. Although she denied it, I think she was still into this "Ronnie" character. She would always visit him in jail, as well as send him letters and pictures.

So I found this product at a local Wegmans. I didn't tell my wife what it was, instead explaining to her that it was tattoo enhancement cream. I told her it would sting a little, but that was just the stuff doing its job.

Now, you have to understand that my wife is a big girl. Let's just say that she constantly wears jogging pants and refers to them as them as her pants. So she couldn't really see the tattoo herself. Even when she tried to use a mirror, it was hard to make out. So I thought everything would turn out okay.

Well, the cream worked. Every evening I would apply the cream for her, telling her that the tattoo was looking better and better. When in fact it was fading more and more. I told her that the micro dermabrasion thingy was actually a tattoo polisher. And so I would spend a good 15 minutes every night grinding away at that damn tattoo. And it was almost gone entirely.

Then Ronnie got out of jail. It turns out my suspicions were correct. My wife still had a thing for him. I came home from work one evening to find Ronnie and my wife hanging out on the couch. And boy did they look ******. And Ronnie was a pretty tough looking guy.

Apparently, and I'm not trying to insinuate anything here, somehow Ronnie had noticed the now bare space just above my wife's buttocks and had asked her about it. And now he was ****** off because he had bought her the tattoo to begin with. And she was ****** off as well because I had tricked her into having her tattoo removed.

Long story short, I had the option of getting my *** kicked, or of buying a new tattoo. So we went to the tattoo place, shelled out the cash for a new tattoo, and winced the entire time as Ronnie and my wife watched me get the words "Ronnie's *****" tattooed on my chest.

Since then my wife has kicked me out. And Ronnie is now living in my house. And me, I'm on my second tube of wrecking balm tattoo fade system. I can't tell you enough how much I like this product.

Ahahaha... best story ever!!!
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