Talk about lane splitting, this guy is outta his ****ing mind!!

Re: Talk about lane splitting, this guy is outta his F***ing mind!!

Yup, moving pretty good. No problems, according to CP24 standards. :D
Re: Talk about lane splitting, this guy is outta his F***ing mind!!

watched the hole thing waiting for a crash. This guy can't be doing this everyday. maybe a bit throttle happy cause the camera was on. Just plane stupid!

As opposed to train or truck stupid?

I can't wait for the day that this stops being reposted
Re: Talk about lane splitting, this guy is outta his F***ing mind!!

It's Brazil dude... standards are different... the value of life is different.

Here's his channel if you want to watch more videos.
Re: Talk about lane splitting, this guy is outta his F***ing mind!!

geeze.. that was some intense driving

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