Taking your kid dirt biking ... question

My kid is 3.5 ... so I'm looking early to see about the fact he might be ready for a 50cc dirt bike next summer (if he's coordinated enough, he isn't right now) ...

So assuming he is ready for a 50cc bike (e.g. PW50) and I want to take him say to the Ganny, I'm trying to see what are all my legal requirements.

From here: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90o04

I get this :

Age limit for driving
4. (1) No owner of an off-road vehicle shall permit a child under the age of twelve to drive the vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. O.4, s. 4 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply where the child is driving the vehicle,
(a) on land occupied by the vehicle owner; or
(b) under the close supervision of an adult. R.S.O. 1990, c. O.4, s. 4 (2).
ok so sure you can ride with your kid on public land on a green plate vehicle that has insurance (liability minimum)
so if that's the case, how do you get insurance for said bike, they can't exactly give you a rate quote for a kid

Which means that I can legally take my kid out on the bike if its under my supervision on public lands for OHV dirt bikes. So to use my bike on public lands, then I need a green plate and I'll need liability insurance. Getting a green plate should be easy just go in and pay for it and present my ownership I assume.

But how do you get liability insurance on a 4 year old ?

I can't be the ONLY dad out there that wants to take there kid riding ??!!

Buy a green plated bike....call SF or TD and get liability insurance on the great plated bike...if needed get some training wheels and research which trails are small and wide enough...I taught me 4 yr old at the baxter tract.
See my post 15 for ownership/insurance.

Estart is a nice feature, but no necessary.
It's been my experience that the kids will fall and don't have the strength to right the bike when they are young so you have to be there to pick up the bike and start it to get them going. Plus the little batteries are expensive an have a even shorter shelf life than the typical motorcycle battery. And it's not incase they dump it. They will be dumping it constantly.
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