Tailtidy and missing reflectors

I took the tail off my 2013 gsxr600 which I got brand new it had NO rear reflectors from new.....

It's supposed to, lost in shipping? Is the steel plate that the reflectors and license plate bolt to there? Or is the plate bolted to the plastic? I would be asking where that stuff is, resale is better when you have ALL the stock part's.
Have gotten many add on tickets when being pulled over for a document check or speeding etc, no mirrors, obstructed plate, aftermarket exhaust, etc etc the usual $110 non moving violation add ons.....

However never in all my years have I been or hear of anyone being charged with not having reflectors. Its probably one of those laws that never actually gets enforced
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It's so easy to fabricate your own tail tidy... Did it on my R6 and it cost me under $20 and 30 minutes my time.... Looked like an aftermarket kit.
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