you got that right ...took me half hour to find a route out,
PA roads need to include 44/144 both directions out of Renovo.
Start at the north end of 44/144
Also in that area is I think Cherry Hill coming off 6 and it's wicked good with new pavement. 6 has a lot of frost heaves and not that much fun compared to
Careful with cops in New York they have a ticket agreement ,,,,PA on the other hand is REALLLLY bike friendly.
Cops around Lake Placid set up radar traps and make a fortune,,,,very crowded on weekends,,,,there are some nice roads and Whiteface for sure is worth doing.
Whenever I ride around the Adirondacks the odds of finding a cop cruiser at any town limits is high. Ride accordingly, just assume that there will be one not far from where you see the town name sign. Actually seeing a cruiser cruising though was rare.